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[六级词汇语法] 2012CET六级话题词汇(16)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. The drunkard staggered(蹒跚)from the coffee shop and clung to a lamp-post.  / Y" k: R7 }, a8 y& G
2. The hitch-hikers reached the town after a long walk and plodded(重步行走)wearily to the hotel.  ) Z7 Y& K. `, V# P: x
3. The man whose wife was expecting the first baby was pacing(踱步)nervously up and down the hospital corridor.  0 Z3 W1 V8 E# P# E8 `- j6 K/ p
4. After class, the children did not go home direct but loitered(游荡)on the way.  
! L. b" U7 g& d! ^9 v1 {- X0 Z1 N# N0 G5. The manager strode(大步走)into the office and asked who was late for work.  
) s& g3 x; h0 m/ `6. The puppy strayed(迷途)from its home and was completely lost.  
! O4 u! W; W# [9 |5 f% _7. The cock is strutting(昂头阔步)up and down the farmyard.  
) L  ]" j0 h2 {- M- h: J/ D8. After dinner, I went rambling(漫步)in the park.  4 o7 p* {1 w$ ^) i  b' x1 @
9. The thief has been lurking(潜行)in a corner for his unsuspecting victims.  8 z! f1 R# {7 z2 t6 A# S+ O2 d
10. Not wishing to be noticed, the boy crept(爬行)downstairs.     ) r1 S6 {0 M  t' U, |
11. At the weekend, Tom and his friends went strolling(闲逛)in the town.  , i# Q  Y# e  z* g( B
12. In her hurry, the maid stumbled(绊倒)and fell flat on the floor.  
( i& |4 P& o/ I7 x; L8 {) [7 g7 E13. The farmer trudged(艰难地走)home with his hoe.  
. J/ `' q+ Q3 }. |8 K+ \14. The mountaineers scrambled(攀爬)up the hill side.  
7 L+ F. R' ]7 f15. The car lurched(摇摆不定)forward across the grass.  
1 y; q: m  W% R- S" s' b16. With one leg hurt, John limped(跛行)home.  
! A6 U7 ?& P& Q; f" K17. Beasts come out to prowl(四处觅食)after their prey at night.  
# w4 p' z0 z3 o5 n3 J& V18. Before babies can walk, they crawl(爬行).  ( V  Q4 d) ?( w  W: G2 o
19. The victorious army marched(迈进)into the conquered city.  
8 G* C2 Y& A2 X1 ]+ z20. The pedestrians rushed(快步走)here and there in the rain。

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