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[六级词汇语法] 2012CET六级话题词汇(19)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
鬼佬 (“devil old-guy”) – foreigner (usually derogatory)  - F% C; B" O" r' q4 I) G
胆小鬼 (“small-gut devil”) – coward; chicken  
2 L5 ]7 ]$ C7 t; o* p9 t二鬼子 (“two-ghost-thing”) -  a “banana” – someone yellow (Asian) on the outside but white (Caucasian) on the inside (derogatory)*  2 ~& p) i2 k' B! Z' y
短命鬼  (“short-life devil”) – someone who dies at a young age  
. Z! S+ G% l, z% ], m赌鬼  (“gambling ghost”) – gambling addict  
: }9 Y8 U' N9 h- I饿鬼 (“hungry ghost”) – someone who is always hungry; someone with a big appetite  ' N/ x& F2 i7 |1 o3 S/ @
机灵鬼 (“clever ghost”) – clever person  
1 L6 E% a6 p- Z1 Y) h胡涂鬼 (“confused ghost”) – someone who often seems confused and/or stupid  1 w, ~8 t0 d$ j$ E4 F- J
色鬼  (“lust ghost”) – lecher; person who engages in sexual excess (no exact word for this in English perhaps?)  
2 B  F' t6 y8 t! e' B厉鬼 (“terrible ghost”) – evil spirit  
6 u) Z: T; b! F馋鬼  (“gluttonous ghost”) – pig (someone who eats too much)  3 C" ?  d* P) f3 O& \% k5 q* r
催命鬼 (“prodding ghost”) – someone who keeps pushing people to do things; a nagger  
1 r" ^4 x4 B! U2 y6 t7 z  e* m+ l死鬼 (“dead ghost”) – a negative but playful term used between spouses  # p& ~' C3 I- U1 w1 Y8 R# q
魔鬼 (“evil devil”) – demon  
4 f) Q3 m+ o+ H8 O懒鬼 (“lazy devil”) – lazybones  
6 E2 f( q5 v% T7 ~- J( M酒鬼 (“alcohol ghost”) – alcoholic; drunkard    `, E: C- H& d9 ^) {1 Z- L
醉鬼 (“drunk devil”) – drunkard  
0 P8 W* N6 k+ d. M烟鬼 (“smoke devil”) – opium addict; chain smoker  
9 o) _1 `6 W" c. X) p3 w调皮鬼 (“naughty devil”) – naughty child  
1 j& u8 N, Y4 [9 v8 I捣蛋鬼 (“make-trouble devil”) – naughty child
; X1 q0 c: H* R  [. P; [' }吸血鬼 (“suck-blood devil”) – vampire  
7 |' e0 e8 x" E7 ]' T* R* b鬼子 (“devil-thing”) – foreign devil (derogatory)  
3 Z& }) F0 J  @6 T! V) F鬼怪 (“ghost-monster”) – ghosts and monsters  
, ]! g7 C* @7 h  {见鬼 (“see ghost”) – go to Hell!  
* R7 Q6 Y! a5 V5 w3 _' `, Y/ W鬼知道  (“ghost knows”) – Heaven knows!

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