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[六级词汇语法] 2012CET六级话题词汇(26)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. to be hot 流行,时尚  
: V, j0 F2 R) m4 q) u2 V= very popular / fashionable   4 U$ ^) P0 k. u5 ]& I6 |
Iceland is a really hot weekend destination at the moment.  
& S& C& P, H! G/ h, }当下冰岛是炙手可热的周末度假胜地。   
* ?/ A$ j5 O6 ~7 Q3 n2. a hot favourite 最有可能赢的人/物  # }. s( I- ~/ T2 L6 @4 e0 z
= someone / something most likely to win   
' Q" j& O1 _* N  h$ NRed Rum was always the hot favourite to win the Grand National.  # [! E8 s* n# _
“红朗姆”总是最有希望获得国家大赛冠军的赛马。(Grand National 英国国家大赛,即越野障碍赛马,Red Rum是国家大赛历史上的传奇赛马)    & b( G% F& m4 V; K* k, ]4 R
3. a hot tip 重要或有用的建议  ) ]; t1 v  b6 H5 X: Y- S* G
= important or useful suggestion  
0 t4 ?' z" k# U9 I6 ?He gave me a hot tip for my interview.  
; U7 @: M. \' F% h. Y对于我的面试他给了我非常有用的建议。  
- D$ W7 T5 N4 U+ g8 E2 J& q4. a hot topic 热门话题  4 O  Z# T+ u* B
= an issue which is important  
8 q8 {' x# v- AClimate change is a hot topic at the moment.  & z2 k0 o3 L4 C" s+ `$ O
气候变化是当下的一个热门话题。   2 P' ^! u! e' H2 Y7 l! S
5. hot off the press 最新信息  ! U2 b4 _8 M: d
= very new story  6 @& p( Z3 l$ [" I4 m( d6 B
This gossip is hot off the press.  : H3 s% o# M2 U' r0 o9 O% F8 O
6 x; U8 L4 E4 }; T6. to get too hot 变得非常危险  
& s" O9 V# ?" \, T  i, D' Z- y; L= become too dangerous  # R  h0 A! C/ v. I- w, N
Things are getting too hot and the relief agencies are pulling out of the area.  
5 g5 ^8 U, c4 i% U" e5 q事态变得极其危险,救援机构准备撤离这片地区了。    0 m! U3 F* ^- \# U
7. hot stuff 吸引人的  
+ z* }/ C! L5 M5 i* H- L1 t7 v" o, D= attractive  0 r- U' h! b6 F& F! U# h
Her new boyfriend is hot stuff.  
% {1 P- k& R& h4 L* C& d她的新男友很有魅力。   
( S) O0 u1 l; C: t, V) G8. in the hot seat 处于需要负责任的位置上  4 n, k# y+ }+ j" o% m
= in a position of responsibility  
+ k) `8 q6 J' f7 b5 w/ M0 z7 lYou make the decisions - you’re in the hot seat now!  
; J9 R8 L; L, b* Y你做了这些决定,也就是说现在你得负责。   
2 g. t' J1 o6 i5 o- r. w* ^: _% L9. in hot water 因为做错事而遇上麻烦  * ]- Y! e5 ?! c% y
= in trouble because you have done something wrong  " j- j* I) N0 t8 ^
If you send that email now, you’ll find yourself in hot water with the boss.  
2 p8 u5 r* K! e! n: \如果你现在发出那封邮件,你的老板就会来找你麻烦了。    0 T: Q3 E) H7 D; d; R$ q
10. have a hot temper 很容易发火  
( ~0 o) H: N) D, }= to get angry easily  " v: u- @3 \. A: x. H$ F
He has a hot temper, so don’t provoke him into an argument.  + i) }' m8 c0 ]9 Z( n3 O. S& U0 c

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