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[六级词汇语法] 2012大学英语六级词汇之说出你的爱02

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
sweetheart 甜心,情人 $ A  y+ E" I, T1 L& Q
They call each other sweetheart. 3 x3 g/ f/ q0 u% l# V1 W  n
9 l. Z/ N, p$ [4 W6 {lover n.爱人,情侣
6 u) Z. g- L  MThey met on holiday and soon became lovers.  * O8 ]" {( `6 r% L* Q, ^" j2 o
他们在度假时结识, 不久便成了情侣。   * k5 ?0 f: t% r% u
Valentine n.情人,情人节礼物
1 K5 n  _1 W  b+ ?2 f9 r" OWill you be my valentine?   1 V: N$ h" [% O/ C
你愿意做我的情人吗?    " B9 i6 z9 k! S' g9 N
Valentine’s Day 情人节
9 h6 R  `" k; z8 o* hHappy Valentine’s Day!  
; E, S6 ^% M) N; v6 [7 X! h情人节快乐!   " J9 \: g; e# h: L. Q1 Y2 I% H
Valentine Cards 情人节卡片 7 ^* G0 L" z! e3 Y* v& Q7 u: D
a valentine card with a big red heart on it / s# w  b' M* {+ K
印有一颗大红心的情人节卡片      ! S3 c4 x) I7 |
first love  n.初恋情人 . j  D8 A. g1 M) H- B" M
Men always want to be a woman’s first love; women have a more subtle instinct; what they like is to be a man’s last romance.   7 ]$ P) X5 ^/ H5 Q8 `/ M/ E
1 U: B4 m0 ]! }9 a) lpuppy love n.早恋
; a8 c& \4 C8 W7 MPuppy love is what most people remember.
+ L0 j3 a2 }6 B. R+ g4 S5 T初恋是大多数人都终生难忘的。  
. t; `  B* U: U5 s2 f% i+ n0 X* O3 A注:也作calf love。   
! q% l6 \: K8 Z% d" t3 Mcandlelight dinner 烛光晚餐
7 a: E+ K1 H8 s+ N% z% l& c5 rYou made him a candlelight dinner in the park? / A+ B  ~' P- K- T, W- k& s
# n) {" Z% j! Crose n.玫瑰   1 G8 c3 L4 w' P  O
He bought a bunch of roses for his lover. ( ~6 y+ A  r  Y4 i9 i6 E& j5 \1 |
他为恋人买了一束玫瑰。   0 X1 s  j. x' v& D" F4 u! n
candy n.糖果
0 w7 ]1 X8 l& y/ O5 FBesides cards, many people give flowers and candy on Valentine’s Day. 5 p/ k) k( z5 ~( A) K
除了卡片,许多人在情人节赠送鲜花和糖果。8 e8 C$ a1 X# X0 S0 h
forget-me-not 勿忘我 ! T0 D( `& M% l; {
Forget-me-not is a kind of flower.
: @- I# j; F" T% v4 y0 X勿忘我是一种花。 1 I+ {/ ]2 F+ `- L0 M
immortal a.不朽的     eternal a.永久的    everlasting a.永恒的
4 ^, k7 B* H; J( Z) VTheir love to each other is immortal/eternal/everlasting.
. P; ~2 X3 J1 K3 g5 A4 v- T他们的爱用不泯灭。
2 i, i9 B9 s) H0 pcute meet n.浪漫的邂逅
% e, _6 h5 {  S* XAre you expecting a cute meet? : n+ P9 d0 y5 O8 F6 H# W1 k0 P) X
你期待有个浪漫的邂逅吗? ' N( E2 d5 l$ v& ?
fall in love 坠入爱河     love at the first sight 一见钟情 4 C/ c% Q1 b$ ]! A+ i
They fell in love at the first sight. ; F6 f- ?6 Z9 ]9 q0 @
他们一见钟情。   # |" V+ C( t1 c" J6 c) q% ?
propose v.求婚
/ K$ p" a9 o0 _$ j/ b7 tHe is shy to propose.他羞于求婚。     
0 q% E7 l1 [4 ucourtship n.求爱,求婚,求爱期 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)/ r0 \' e8 _' ~- Z; \3 q4 ]0 }4 ?1 y
He won her heart after a brief courtship.  ' n3 {! r) _/ f, g( [
$ X9 I( J5 @5 lpledge n.誓言 , N$ q1 F, h6 ?3 y
Take this ring as a pledge of our love.  ( r& e1 E0 @, ^5 u
将这只戒指拿去作为我们相爱的信物吧。   * E$ s: H' V  n) b
vow n./v.发誓
! L  {7 d5 k3 |0 G- @8 T+ XShe vowed never to speak to him again.  
' L3 M2 {9 k2 t" D4 \+ C她发誓再也不跟他说话了。

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