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[六级词汇语法] 2012大学英语六级高频词汇形象记忆29

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.repel v. 使厌恶;击退;排斥 7 `" @  f: `% I5 F% e6 k
  She was repelled by the dirty room.
, L/ f" A' s+ O2 G$ q' e' W  肮脏的房间使她厌恶。
, k- c# h' N4 A  The crew repelled the attack.
6 f; r5 Y/ }* s$ U# S  p  船员击退了进攻。
7 E) ^$ B; H  s  \+ [! K; |6 E) `  The positive poles of two magnets repel each other. 中华考试网
. r0 X1 i$ U! B" E% I  两块磁铁的正极互相排斥。
+ d  O$ V3 J! U9 `2. reproach v. 责备=blame
% h1 h  e  q7 X% w7 d1 E; x  She reproached her husband for having forgotten their wedding anniversary.
% }8 w" g3 c( k1 s% \$ W  O  她责怪丈夫忘了他们的结婚周年纪念日。
& Y/ ]( R& X. D% @9 D: U3.refrain from v. 抑制You must refrain from smoking in this area.
7 _! G; P5 {" Q. a8 l  在这个区域,你必须克制自己不抽烟。
- ~4 S. ^( @5 ^6 v4. refute v. 驳倒   Z8 e; I- _# }, Z0 R9 Q
  词义辨析:contradict, oppose, refute 来自www.Examw.com
' R, o4 u9 I  ?. v  contradict: 指肯定地否认、反对或反驳某事,坚持相反的意见
% b% \9 W' n; Z2 v# S2 S+ X  oppose: 普通的广泛用词。指不作争论或不提出论据而无理由地反对;也指任何温和、有理由的反对或否定 ! Y0 q% {. E# u) `! k8 n
  refute: 语气较强,强调凭推理或证据驳斥一项主张或言论
4 i: T$ K/ I( m  Historical facts refute such a fallacy.
2 D4 V, F( H' I+ k& \  历史事实驳斥了这种谎言。
2 F' p9 p2 ?9 Y$ W3 u9 T/ O% K5. remainder n. 剩余的部分
3 m* E+ ~* O" c  He spent the remainder of his life in the country. 4 A1 Z9 V# m$ s' p/ y1 o0 ?

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