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[六级词汇语法] 2012大学英语六级高频词汇形象记忆39

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. literally ad. 逐字地; 确实地 : k' |; j; m6 l5 `
  Don’t read the report literally now, just skim through it. 9 M5 O* h! s2 I9 s$ ^, g
2 f" N9 O. X! \! ~/ D8 \: A  Speculations about its nature have been going on for literally thousands of years.   p+ j" a( v: ^
3 m- `1 v8 v# o2. litter v. 乱扔
% ?) a0 U2 ^* X' Q+ g; h, q# D  No littering! 6 R/ l" ]! k5 }# ]5 }
  别乱扔垃圾! 6 i7 l5 R* {0 o! B7 p  R
3. legitimate a. 合法的=legal/lawful 中华考试网
' A7 ]: N% Z6 t" E$ ~- }. E9 }* y  He is the legitimate heir to the property. 2 h8 u3 r: N2 N5 c
  他是这宗财产的合法继承人。 " n0 p; e5 Y4 x
  I’m not sure that his business is strictly legitimate.
* a" a3 |/ n; V2 B$ }, e  我说不好他的生意是否全部合法。
5 U0 J, m8 |9 i5 X4. liability n. 责任=legal obligation;不利条件=drawback
2 l# J; b9 p. T) e; O  He admitted his liability for the accident.   S+ C! A5 m& h
  他承认自己对这起事故应负责任。 : k- c+ ]! b0 Y0 J' A7 l
  Lack of education was a liability in getting a job. ! {! z. q" ]5 l7 f6 U2 A" R
  缺少教育对找工作不利。 - v' A1 h+ I5 q$ I- B* s, u
5. literacy n. 读写能力   F2 i4 B5 Z" b# g. X0 q/ ]) n
  I can’t believe that he failed the literacy test.
2 Z8 f, w& x4 x# N8 u  我无法相信他识字测试不及格。

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