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[六级词汇语法] 2012年大学英语六级语法:状语从句的连接词

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
状语从句种类4 Y6 Q3 N& ?  s% C! D$ K* I
常用连接词9 H. Z6 [/ J! Q
! F" |& \: d; q5 i时间状语从句( d9 N+ A8 m0 L1 W2 \1 Q/ P
when, while, as, before, after, since, till, until, as soon as, by the time, whenever3 V0 \! I& p. i5 P% W' p0 |( s" i
1. 一些时间名词:the moment, the minute, the day, every time, next time
+ P1 {- k9 y  J& x2. 一些副词(作连词用):instantly, immediately, directly
' e; F+ X! A4 J! C! V, j) }& o3. 固定搭配的连词:no sooner…than, hardly…when, scarcely…when9 T" P* W) C: I9 H+ x( B- ?
原因状语从句6 O  c) k1 }- B! o7 S% N
because, as, for, since8 h8 `% c3 C6 p" ?# r  t/ g
seeing that, considering that, now that, given that, in that, inasmuch as, insomuch as,for fear that, in case' p2 g* a' H' T$ w3 Q: v5 \
目的状语从句! S# w. g5 m* a
so that, in order that, that9 r- I: ~. D, J: ~
, in the hope that, on purpose that, for the purpose that, to the end that
9 D7 o& \! |7 E& l' S: E- k& R结果状语从句4 l1 T! `9 {/ M  P* b' L
So…that, so that, such…that, that
, m) H" [5 G1 C% q: Ito the degree that, to the extent that, to such a degree that, to such an extent that, till, until
- f! X! g9 a+ a3 W2 z2 x  U条件状语从句; F% q" B( }& S4 x  Z/ D
if, unless外语学习网% r5 i' Q1 s/ v+ V  _( C
suppose, supposing, providing, provided, on condition that(后为人作主语), so long as, as long as,when
) v+ Z* p1 T( u& b) w让步状语从句
% R* A# O! k% r/ \$ b' U! ~8 A$ Falthough, though, even though, even if7 q2 W; N& ?; u$ ]" g
whatever, whoever, whichever, however, whenever, wherever, whether…or…, while, when
: T4 l- j% T4 a0 P5 r- E; d* `比较状语从句  Q9 D  H6 w! D5 L
as, than
- {2 ?  A4 A+ K8 A* Rthe more…, the more,
7 j" G& |& g, T" _6 [: D方式状语从句: N( ?: b; r: T3 q: a$ V4 a/ |) f
as, like, the way
; Y9 O0 S( V4 A4 B) w: eas if, as though,how, as follows

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