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[六级词汇语法] 2012年大学英语六级词汇精选练习三十六

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
121.It is fortunate for the old couple that their son’s career goals and their wishes for him ____. ( D7 V: C) ^  a6 b& ~5 ~
  A) coincide ) o4 _% G3 j9 |  Y8 W7 m- @
  B) collaborate
( T! u* q# h) b- F6 M  C) comply $ W% B% v% c* o  h
  D) conform 6 P! R( a8 U5 S* b. m, p2 v
122.As the trial went on, the story behind the murder slowly _____ itself.
% o* O9 x8 t- n! G/ x  \4 D  A) convicted 5 [( G7 z- P  w% ?0 x
  B) haunted
1 M4 j4 m$ v/ ~  C) unfolded
$ a* x2 }4 h; w6 O4 k+ w9 Q0 F  D) released , u# s4 E* m* y7 z: q8 s
  123.Mutual respect for territorial _____ is one of the bases upon which our two countries develop relationships. 2 t0 ]" x3 x6 c
  A) reliability * Z3 V$ A  ~$ }1 @8 C1 ~
  B) unity " t- c: ~- f$ J2 I" ]* k7 U
  C) entirety - `' @, c3 q/ i4 V4 ~) ?5 j
  D) integrity 1 v9 L: s% l1 v. a& s7 R& x
  124.The design of this auditorium shows a great deal of _____. We have never seen such a building before. ( K7 i( E+ M' ~% z
  A) orientation
6 I9 x3 ]& F* ^- U: U) c, p/ V: U  B) originality
& Y6 }# I1 ]$ U: ]" e( }, @! R  C) illusion ! e6 u7 _$ p7 F4 l( }' ^7 n1 n
  D) invention * h8 D1 @8 o/ U6 @
  125.The damage to my car was _____ in the accident, but I have a lingering fear even today.
7 Y: P4 j/ `9 o  A) insufficient
" ^" \" ?& e" E  d4 |1 i) N- V  B) ambiguous
6 R+ y/ m0 x4 v# w+ s% h  C) negligible , e% a% f. O0 t8 r! b' H1 O
  D) ignorant . r  w3 z2 G3 x! n+ q: x
121.A 参考译文:老俩口感到庆幸的是,儿子自己的事业目标和他们对儿子的期望一致。 9 L2 }  K, u$ N  y
  A) coincide 一致
9 y' g" U! n6 V) Z3 n  B) collaborate 合作 6 Y- Y' u8 h& M
  C) comply 顺从
* f7 |' d/ @' [, N8 l3 m1 l  D) conform 符合  5 h' W3 f# [8 n
122.C 参考译文:随着审判的继续,谋杀案背后的故事慢慢地展现开来。 ' `! p" d- V3 b) x" s" p0 S
  A) convicted 宣判,convict sb. (of sth.),表示“(陪审团或法官)宣判某人有...罪
) ]9 {2 X, W: Z' Y  B) haunted 萦绕,缠绕,常出现,主语为思绪或鬼魂
9 X: ]: A8 Y, W2 ?4 V" u  @  C) unfolded 展现,显露,常与反身代词连用,表示事物自身显示出来,unfold oneself意为“故事,情节等展开,披露” . Y* d1 W" Z) t- F. X2 v
  D) released 发布,透露,释放的用法为release sb./sth. from sth.表示“从...释放某人/物”,release sth. to sb.表示“向某人透露某事”,句中主语是story,story released itself不符合语法逻辑
5 ]. I$ |  i6 a3 \  123.D 参考译文:相互尊重领土完整是我们两国关系得以发展的基础。 % j; J3 b( {/ s
  A) reliability 可靠性 ( R( J  o; P; o3 ~+ \# T" }: T. f  _
  B) unity 团结,民族的统一
" T  [: w7 O# v. ^3 ^7 a) F  C) entirety 相对于程度,范围的整体,全部
$ _& P  ?& X- h: G+ e  D) integrity 表示相对于部分,松散的完整,与territorial连用表示领土的完整 / p$ @% Q' W2 k
  124.B 参考译文:礼堂的设计体现了很大的独创性,我们以前从未见过这样的建筑物。 5 U. a1 h3 J$ l
  A) orientation 方位,方向 6 E; h. s0 t8 k& o2 a5 Z
  B) originality 创意,独创性
3 H' k) d( l6 ^# n. H  C) illusion 幻觉,幻象
0 V, Z6 Q( e, Y/ l& Z  D) invention 发明
" S+ _7 ^9 L+ h( I( _. w6 P  125.C 参考译文:事故中我车子的损伤并不严重,但至今我还心有余悸。 ! N% L  N: ?) J
  A) insufficient 不足的,不等的,通常指数量上不充足
: h& R9 \5 j, s) |  B) ambiguous 摸棱两可的,有歧义的 3 X' N, e/ ?. z1 ^6 p
  C) negligible 无关紧要的,可忽略的 1 J7 w$ t) U- O3 l
  D) ignorant 无知的,不知道的,通常指人

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