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[六级词汇语法] 2012年12月大学英语六级词汇专项模拟(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年12月大学英语六级词汇专项模拟(3)5 f# X/ O: X1 A0 V1 g  n% q& ^
 51. There is much I enjoy about the changing seasons, but my favorite time is the ______ from fall to winter.
  g8 h& E8 F0 l+ m  A) transmission . U. N3 r( F+ X# {" B! i
  B) transformation ( V6 f/ o3 q1 C
  C) transition
. \* R- m3 c4 s% x% l/ F& x$ S  D) transfer 4 G  ?0 P* p! Y7 t+ d0 v* L/ ?
  注:1. transmission 广播电视节目的传送;疾病的传播;文化的传递 . N. e- L" D) F9 z
  2. transformation 变革
# J. d/ }: P* N$ i% O  O  3. transition 季节的过度,时间的更替,社会制度的转型
/ w% G, I4 p9 x6 {, |5 s& u" D  4. transfer 转学,调任工作
# J) V3 k  m% H5 _. \% E# C: f8 \  52. I think we need to see an investment ______ before we make an expensive mistake.
% K2 k  m' k' y1 D$ b  A) guide
1 U  a; T0 h& {5 y2 y  B) entrepreneur 9 C3 x; i! J8 W! b0 E; u
  C) consultant
" r. |# K' |3 M0 l, r7 u  D) assessor 3 u' X! a6 v* V
  注:consultant 顾问 + G6 C7 I$ m! x5 Q/ c
  53. The ______ on this apartment expires in a year’s time. & c! @  {$ q3 J
  A) treaty www.ExamW.CoM, b# W9 X. l+ K5 s1 S. s+ b
  B) lease + ^! Z3 S2 S0 i
  C) engagement
' R' e/ v' y9 C1 h$ s& Z: W2 K% [  |  D) subsidy
5 {0 B) Z; a) h" U6 J+ b  注:lease 租约 / @+ _2 i+ R0 b
  54. The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state ______.
1 F0 ]& @) n- i5 t  A) pensions
3 F+ V5 R" A5 ~- B  p4 X  B) earnings 9 R( ]# e6 t& j2 r! k/ g
  C) salaries
+ c" a$ h6 F0 U5 [  D) donations % h. y* M# H3 Y$ d, N/ B2 c0 a
  注:pensions 养老金 2 \; [/ ^1 ^  `/ w5 r) q
  55. There is supposed to be a safety ______ which makes it impossible for trains to collide. ( X% W; v) H/ U
  A) appliance % M/ J1 U( m2 ~+ ^# G. Z
  B) accessory
# t9 y& w6 Z9 z+ K. |$ [  g  C) machine . V! s# _# X* |4 @& m/ }7 \
  D) mechanism

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