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[六级词汇语法] 2012年12月大学英语六级语法专项练习(11)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年12月大学英语六级语法专项练习(11)" X: n- a) Y6 G5 G
 61. Visitors to England sometimes find the lack of public activities in the evenings ________.
, q' Y7 J4 l* N' J8 p! G  A) depressed        B) depression        C) depressing        D) depressingly(C)3 M2 Y) L) k+ x: c  m
  62. Julie is one of those women who always ________ the latest fashions.来自www.Examw.com; f# P2 `' v( \# ^! v' ]: t; k
  A) look after        B) keep up with        C) run for        D) go in for(D)9 ^! v, `8 s/ g4 \3 J8 [
  63. This traditional entertainment for children in America has never, ________ I know, become popular in China.4 _& z4 X3 k+ o* I+ W+ K* e
  A) as far as        B) as much        C) to the extent that        D) so long as(A)* f9 ]! }8 N9 W
  64. Mr. Smith attends to the ________ of important business himself:
' D' k' Z; h# f, p9 [+ H7 j  A) transmission        B) transformation        C) transaction        D) transition(C)
% ?  A# W+ o$ x9 u7 @  65. Besides what you have explained, can you think of ________ reason for their terrible action?- Y% _* f, M: E$ ~! ]
  A) any        B) else        C) other        D) another(A)" ~- I: i( }7 c+ z% W
- r; W1 S, e. A  [
答案:61. C 62. D 63. A 64. C 65. A

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