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[六级词汇语法] 2012年12月大学英语六级语法专项练习(8)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; G0 n& ~8 F9 `, n  46. Soldiers act in ________ to the orders of their officers.. L0 ]! s3 y6 q* A  a
  A) obligation        B) objection        C) obedience        D) offence(A)
/ R3 U1 W# j: x4 x1 E  47. ________ after the Second World War that test pilots first attempted to break the "Sound barrier."
2 G7 C/ g0 B$ u7 G# D  A) It was shortly        B) Until shortly        C) Shortly was it        D) Shortly(C). C8 I! {3 O  L3 u- S  Y0 j& d
  48. ________ in the Atacama Desert.* L) g' C+ [# t1 }0 {, v
  A) It never virtually rains        B) It virtually never rains中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
8 ^, }. m2 f7 D* V9 C6 B  C) Never it rains virtually        D) Never virtually it rains(D)$ J: F6 s. W. N$ L) c" ]7 n& ^$ _, v
  49. Society now requires the university to be a part of the community. ________, students themselves expect to play a role in the affairs of society.
8 V" r( N, S0 T' A7 M8 @7 i0 m  A) Hence        B) However        C) Moreover        D) Otherwise(D)
$ d3 Q/ `  l; M! d7 F5 f. T  50. Superconductors lose electrical resistance only ________ subjected to intense cold.
& ~" g% P0 I& F  A) through        B) when        C) as        D) by(A)" B. P# R& a1 {( s* a0 a! f
答案:46. A 47. C 48. D 49. D 50. A

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