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[六级阅读] 2011年12月英语六级阅读:战胜疲惫方法I

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Ever call in sick because you physically don’t think you can make it to the office? That burned out feeling — so humorously portrayed in movies like Office Space — is no joke. In fact, workplace stress can lead to serious health issues, like obesity and cardiovascular disease. But preventing burnout, and treating it early, can help you stay both healthy and productive.
6 D1 G  G5 K! q0 t% G9 {+ p: X: }. A0 i你是否曾经因为身体不适不能上班而请病假?这种筋疲力尽的while also tending to her own small children.
1 B' r, w3 Y& S" d心理学家Joan Borysenko哲学博士在其新书《Fried: Why You Burn Out and How to Revive》中论述这一重要问题。她作为一名忙碌的母亲和哈佛医学院讲师,一周跟艾滋病患者共事80小时并照顾自己年幼的孩子时,自己应对这种精疲力竭。
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Borysenko’s first tip? Know that being fried is both natural and progressive: “It starts with sincere commitment to work that leads to overwork. Then self-care goes down the drain, your priorities shift away from family and friends to more work中华考试网(www.Examw。com), you lose empathy for clients anand you get a long enough vacation, you revive, whereas depressed people do not.”
  W, }# Q2 u+ g' V沮丧和筋疲力尽可以看做一样——疲惫,失去兴趣和降低效率——但是它们是不同的。“精疲力竭是跟工作有关的,而沮丧影响你的整个生活。”Borysenko说。“如果你感到精疲力竭,进行一个足够长的假期后,你会恢复精力,然而沮丧的人并不能恢复。”
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2. Redo Your ‘To Do’ List
' F2 i+ N& i* O3 X2. 重新规划待办事项: u- U1 }; P8 N2 G- ^3 R$ _
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Ever feel like your ‘To Do’ list is like one of those birthday candles that never blows out, instead regenerating like (depressing) magic? Cut it down — especially travel, if it takes you away from loved ones. “I now travel less than 15% of the time, and have learned to say yes to what gives me energy — like being outdoors, listening to music, hanging out with friends, and reserrching  ideas that I’m passionate about — and no to requests from others that drain me,” says Borysenko. For you, this might mean stopping work at a set time or making Sunday “family day.” And if you can’t cut back in your current role, you might need to find a new position, either within your company or elsewhere.
! P' B1 `' B2 T+ W; j, ~+ x% S曾经感觉你的待办事项就如生日蜡烛般永不熄灭,而不是像魔法般再生吗?减少待办事项,尤其是在旅途中,它会使你离你的亲人更远。“我现在旅行比当时低了15%,并学习到对任何给我能量的事情说是——如户外活动,听听音乐,跟朋友出去玩和研究我热情关心的想法——和对使我感到疲惫的事情说不。”Borysenko说。对于你,这可能意味着在特定的时间里停止工作或把周末当成“家庭日”。如果你不能减少你目前的任务,那么你可能需要寻找一个新的职位,或者在公司,或者其他地方。

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