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[六级阅读] 2011年12月六级阅读:心情差狂购物

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
They don’t call it retail therapy for nothing. Shopping can actually make you happy, a study has found.   都说购物能让女性心情变好,这可不是水口说说的们最近一份研究调查证实了“血拼”的这一附加效果。8 n4 i+ `( M$ h
  Treating yourself to something nice at the shops apparently has a ‘lasting positive impact on mood’ and leaves ‘few if any negative emotional side-effects’。
1 Z4 V/ ^% {5 _6 {  在商店中挑选一些心意的物品来犒赏自己,这样的行为能否给心情施加长久的正面的影响,并且很少会出现感情方面的消极的“副作用”。
" N# L1 h6 D6 x) X  It is a find that will prompt a sigh of relief from Britain‘s ailing retailers.
$ j8 M$ s' e3 a& v  这样的发现对于零售消费商来说应该是个相当不错的喜讯。
: p: g' J. u8 X  {  Researchers conducted hundreds of interviews at shopping centres as well as asking shoppers to keep diaries of their shopping behaviour, moods and buys they regretted.
0 |1 x) i5 n& @' a3 N/ w8 c! M6 m) Y  研究人员们来到各大购物中心采访了不少的消费者,并让们他们将自己的购物习惯记录下来,把心情、或者购买了之后又后悔情况都写进“血拼日记”之中。
5 J/ Q- s% S$ X- }2 G3 I' _  Those who said they were in a bad mood on their way into a shop were more likely to indulge in an impulse buy.2 t/ }4 D8 z  ^
  他们发现,那些带着不好的心情前来购物的消费者更容易沉迷于冲动性的购物,并且被这样一种情绪支配。/ J' o$ b- ?4 q! \
  A total of 62 per cent said they had bought something to cheer themselves up while 28 per cent said they had indulged as a form of celebration.
9 v7 x+ C) T2 Z% b/ L  受访者中有62%的消费者表示,他们会买通过买东西来让自己心情好起来,另有28的人将“血拼”作为是庆祝的一种方式方法。1 k. H3 H' U4 S( I9 G$ U, k* a
  The study, published in the Journal of Psychology and Marketing in the U.S., concluded: ‘Retail therapy purchases were overwhelmingly beneficial, leading to mood boosts and no regrets or guilt.’" N( z) n2 S* s8 G
  这项研究的结果刊登在了美国《心理学与市场营销期刊》上,文章指出:“所谓的‘安慰式购物心理’对于商家的益处是不言而喻的,它能使消费者情绪高涨,并且不会有后悔或者内疚的心理。”5 b3 l/ R2 y& v  p; v
  Selin Atalay and Margaret Meloy, the authors of the study, Retail therapy: A strategic effort to improve mood, said retailers could learn from the findings.2 }2 G1 L4 |2 O6 T
  Selin Atalay和Margaret Meloy表示,研究的结果对于零售商有着很大的借鉴作用。# C' ]7 {3 Z% U4 ~1 p
  They said: ’It is not suggested here that every retailer suddenly make a small treat item available at checkout to tempt consumers, or that mall planners strategically locate candy stores near every mall exit.
* D- w5 x: P4 u5 K- C5 P  他们说:“我们的用意并不是要所有 的商家们突然都在收银台放置小点心招待消费者,或者是让购物中心把糖果店都搬到商城的出入口。”/ [0 j$ h! K  H: g/ Q) ~1 ]
  ‘What is suggested is that perhaps practitioners have it ’right‘ when they appeal to consumers with slogans that encourage them to buy themselves splurges.7 V% ], |4 _& G! n9 X
/ y! F! @' I, k3 l# q1 @% S) p9 q  ’There seem to be positive consequences to buying oneself a small treat: one does feel better.‘
  L% J( H9 A/ ]& E4 T# u3 B  “给自己买些东西看以来将会产生正面的结果,并且会使得心情也好起来。”
* }" c, p7 ]: J  U7 `% _+ O  The study did sound a cautionary note, saying that findings should be interpreted with care because the survey was ’self-selecting‘, because participants in a good mood were more likely to respond.
6 L9 Y! j3 o$ B1 ^, e  不过他们也指出这项研究结果仅仅只能作为一个“忠告”,在解读这项发现是应结果留意,因为消费者的“自我选择性”,因为接受访问的人在心情良好时更易作出回应。4 g. I. n, C, ]: |
  Only one of those interviewed regretted splurging." B4 |3 W' t6 B  L. O2 z
$ S, P' e5 I* a7 j- Q# z  Could it have been Keira Knightley? The actress told recently of her guilt at splashing out ?2,795 on a Burberry sheepskin coat.
# [( D& u5 a( X8 w; Q% P0 b% g  这个人说不定就是英国演员Keira Knightley,这位女星最近狠狠花了一笔,砸下2795英镑买些了一件Burberry的羊皮大衣。

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