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[六级阅读] 2011年12月英语六级阅读突破:迪斯尼沙雕节

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
In about one month's time, yet another Disneyland castle will be presented to the public. But this time, the construction will be made entirely with sand. Let's take a look at how a fantasy world is realized by the magic of sand. & V% `! F* l5 K- C
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$ }9 z  o. o+ b# t8 M3 UKnown for its popular annual Sand Sculpture Festival, Zhoushan Island, a prefecture in Eastern China's Zhejiang Province, is taking the region to a new level of challenge this year. Its goal is to represent the most beloved Disney characters in huge sand sculptures. 1 T+ \) u$ f8 |1 T
以其受大众欢迎的、每年举办一次的沙雕节而闻名的舟山岛是中国东部浙江省的一个辖区,今年它把这个地区的挑战带到一个新的层次。它的目标是用巨大的沙雕展示最受人们喜爱的迪斯尼人物。3 _( h( {" Y9 r# s0 E: Y6 e

3 T4 x( H: b" r+ S, W) b, ?9 ?Fans will be able to meet Mickey, Donald Duck, Aladdin, Winnie the Pooh, Snow White, and many more of their favorites in the four thematic wonderlands that span a vast 10,000 square meters. 8 h/ X+ ^! v* u) j" q
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1 |. m6 t0 ^7 U: FThis is the first time the Festival Committee has teamed up with an international corporation. Their long-term vision is to further open up the local tourism market to the world.
! w3 `7 t$ x+ g( q; x) @这是该节日委员会首次与国际企业合作。他们的长期愿景是进一步向世界开放当地的旅游市场。
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$ s! ^, w# t0 o/ x9 x8 eLi Sheng, Director of Zhujiajian Tourism Board said, "By cooperating with an internationally known corporation like the Walt Disney Company, we hope to introduce to the world the art of sand sculpture, while attracting a global market for local tourism. In an age when globalization has become a mainstream trend, our vision should not only aim at the domestic market, but also the broader world."
9 B1 a# \. l0 J; O0 i7 A# [朱家尖旅游管委会主任李升表示:“通过与迪斯尼公司这样的国际知名企业合作,我们希望把沙雕的艺术介绍给全世界,同时也为地方旅游业招来全球市场。在全球化成为主流趋势的时代,我们的目光不应仅仅停留在国内市场,还应该投向更广阔的世界。”
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1 Z" H$ T7 K, Z, `2 T1 ^The Festival starts from September 10th and runs till the end of October. A grand opening will welcome members of the public with a night of classical music from Oscar-winning and Disney films, as delivered by Zhang Guoyong conducting the Shanghai Opera House Symphony Orchestra.
% d- h9 j5 S' i% x/ \) r0 F沙雕节将从9月10日持续到10月底,将举行盛大的的开幕式来欢迎公众人士,那将是获得奥斯卡奖和迪士尼电影的经典音乐之夜,由张国勇指挥的上海歌剧院交响乐团表演。

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