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[六级阅读] 2011六级仔细阅读突破:洞察考试趋势

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
如何集中突破六级得分的重头戏——阅读呢?笔者认为最好的方式莫过于结合最新的考试内容,洞察最新的考试趋势。由于传统阅读是六级阅读中分值比例最大的一种题型,两篇文章,共十道题,占据全卷分值的20% ,且这种题型是考生朋友们最为熟悉的,笔者在此从命题特点和解题方法两方面做简要分析。 反观2010年六月的六级试题,六级阅读无论是从题材上还是内容上都是与实事热门契合度相当高的,甚至快速阅读和传统阅读的第一篇都不能免俗的提及了去年的热门人物奥巴马,可见平时我们多看英文报纸和新闻对阅读背景知识和词汇积累都是对六级考试有益的补充。
4 O; p* V# A7 T+ I: V. D* H4 w  U2 y' w5 g
    题型解读:- ]6 p$ E; f. V7 I. y. [: U
    52. What do we learn about paid family leave from the first paragraph? (推断题)( `5 t4 v0 ^7 K3 n* K
    53. What has prevented the passing of work-family balance laws in the United States(细节题)?- |8 Z7 m7 ?& H: E  i8 F& S
    54. What is Professor Anne Alstott's argument for parental support? (细节题)0 |) R  z; e- h7 d" Y1 Y: \; b- k
55. What does the author think of America's large body of family laws governing children's welfare? (态度题)* @1 Z) R) |; V3 T9 k7 f# t6 y
    56. Why does the author object to classifying parenting as a personal choice?(细节题)
, b! f/ E( d2 K7 B% ~" p/ Y& G6 |    57. What is the finding of a new study by CIRCLE? (细节题)
/ A2 c4 K7 M8 t2 U: p2 `    58. What is a main concern of the writers of Generation O? (细节题)
/ P4 f1 T: y' |4 l, L/ f    59. What will the Generation O bloggers write about in their posts? (细节题)+ r: g/ K9 F; z  ?
    60. What accounts for the younger generation's political strength according to Professor Henry Flores? (细节题)
  ~, p( J$ B9 C' J6 D. ]4 m    61. What can we infer from the passage about Generation X? (推断题)

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