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[六级阅读] 2011年12月英语六级阅读突破:中国高铁将降速

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
China's high-speed trains are cutting back trips, slowing down and slashing prices at the order of the State Council. The cut backs, which start on August 16, focus on the Beijing-Shanghai Railway, and coastal railway lines of Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou, Wenzhou-Fuzhou, and Wenzhou-Xiamen in Zhejiang Province.
' g3 i  o$ F1 ^$ a5 Y1 N3 M在国务院的指令下,中国高铁正在减少班次、降低速度、降低价格。这次的降速降价从8月16日开始,集中在京沪铁路、宁波-台州-温州的沿海铁路线以及浙江境内温州-福州和温州-厦门路段。
7 P! N* g+ M7 J0 a
4 Q3 v& E. X4 r* N  W; v7 zThe decision was made after last month's deadly train crash near Wenzhou. - ]% q+ n. c, j' V6 N
这是在上个月发生在温州附近的严重列车相撞事故后做出的决定。1 N6 D1 O+ d8 F. ]3 v

' U; O2 L5 X4 K  f4 f. INot as fast as before, but much safer. / ]5 q- ], d& Y9 y
0 g5 S: n# n1 U
0 x! T# X+ k0 `7 h& ^6 n- PChina's speedy trains slow down on Tuesday as a new operation system takes effect.* @4 u% r) V" V  _9 ]: R. w
! e4 _; Z8 X& H: u8 ~! X2 R9 z/ a9 _+ K# n6 h
High-speed trains from Shanghai to Hangzhou, and Beijing to Tianjin are reduced from 350 kilometers per hour to 300 kilometers per hour. The ticket prices also see a five percent decrease.
! p7 k" {/ e; F% p! m  V沪杭高铁、京津高铁的时速从350公里下降到300公里。车票价格下浮5%。
; I4 H6 e3 l% l1 \+ X
+ D8 }- l7 |8 R0 q) Y6 {Other lines that are affected by the new operation system include the Ningbo-Wenzhou and Wenzhou-Xiamen lines. Their speeds are adjusted from 250 kilometers per hour to 200 kilometers per hour. Passengers are expected to spend more time travelling.
5 s* G& w, I3 m其它受新的运行系统影响的路线还包括宁波-温州线和温州-厦门线。它们的时速从250公里调整为200公里。乘客们预计将花更多的时间在旅途上。1 Q1 k1 ?$ n0 O0 t8 r
2 K( I1 B+ k) T! i
A passenger said, "It will take me some 30 more minutes to get to my destination. I can accept it."
( ]' C* o6 `7 w9 k一名乘客表示:“要达到目的地我将多花30分钟的时间。我可以接受,”
1 y9 x3 U  L0 Z+ K$ e" x
6 m0 k! K5 x# iMeanwhile, the number of high speed train services are also adjusted. The number of dual trips running daily between Beijing and Shanghai are cut to 66 from the previous 88. 3 Z  S6 g3 q- ^
同时,高铁班次的数量也有所调整,北京至上海日间对开数从以前的88对减为66对。( N/ F* E1 i! r* p! W

+ o. C, L, X' e* oAfter all the ups and downs, safety has now been made the top concern rather than breaking speed records for China's high-speed trains.
, g6 e* P# }+ j. u% J经历了所有起跌沉浮,现在,安全已经成为头等大事,而非打破中国高铁的速度记录。

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