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[六级阅读] 2011大学英语四六级阅读训练(三)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 P( `# @8 _' S9 V6 |" M7 W  Being plugged into an iPod is a hallmark of adolescence, but a new study suggests that teens who spend too much time listening to music may be at higher risk of depression., k! _) m1 @% d3 v1 G# ]' [# V. u
  The study, led by Brian, an assistant professor of medicine and pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, found that teens who reported listening to music more often were at higher risk of having major depressive disorder (MDD), compared with teens who listened to music less frequently. And they had an 80 percent higher risk of depression, the study found.1 ?' ^& n$ N( G5 v% P
  The study didn't measure total listening times, but based on previous data, the study authors estimated that teens in the highest-use group were likely listening to music for at least four or five hours a day.6 d- j$ @8 `# x* e% L7 g! z" I6 X
  "At this point, it is not clear whether depressed people begin to listen to more music to escape, or whether listening to large amounts of music can lead to depression, or both," said Brian in a statement. By contrast, researchers found that reading books had the opposite association: with increase in time spent reading, teens' risk of depression dropped 50 percent.
/ j  F" X' t) R  t1 ?  For the study, the researchers surveyed 106 participants aged seven to 17 for two months; 46 participants had been previously diagnosed with depression. Of all the media reported, only music showed significant associations with increased depression risk, after researchers controlled for factors like age, sex and ethnicity. But that doesn't necessarily mean that music causes depression - for some depressed teens, music may even help.( ?3 |9 `$ t- N  i
  文章首先介绍青少年整日与iPod为伴这一事实,并指出听音乐太久更易陷入忧郁。; _+ G4 v- B+ x8 _/ a, F
  接着文章阐述了这一结果的研究过程,即实践观测。' N" @! u# N  {! w
  ①plug into 收听,收看,接通,把(电器)插头插入; E+ O% q; ?5 c6 b( F6 ]% q1 q5 x. x$ u
  ②at risk of  有……的危险,  at higher/lower risk of  某某的风险更高/更低
( x. v4 u. Y; b$ ^/ V) p  ③by contrast 相反,相比之下6 |* q* u( y& m; `
  在平常空余时间里我们要有意识地多阅读英文读物,比如英文报刊,英文小说等,由浅入深,由易到难,逐渐培养对英语阅读的兴趣和技巧。同时,多阅读可以增加自己的词汇量、文化背景知识,提高阅读速度,和培养良好的阅读习惯等。' c8 D5 o, B5 F. e: `7 ~) M1 y5 N
  Being plugged into an iPod is a hallmark of adolescence, but a new study suggests that teens who spend too much time listening to music may be at higher risk of depression.0 A2 e  b# N  D9 b; L1 \
$ S5 U) t" I  v" r4 w& s  The study, led by Brian, an assistant professor of medicine and pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, found that teens who reported listening to music more often were at higher risk of having major depressive disorder (MDD), compared with teens who listened to music less frequently. And they had an 80 percent higher risk of depression, the study found.  `) E8 T% d' S
  匹兹堡大学医学院医学与小儿科副教授布莱恩组织了本次研究,研究发现,与较少听音乐的年轻人相比,常听音乐的年轻人更易得抑郁症,且后者陷于抑郁的几率高出前者80%。2 F: {  f6 h) p' ?* j6 g  S/ s
  The study didn't measure total listening times, but based on previous data, the study authors estimated that teens in the highest-use group were likely listening to music for at least four or five hours a day.& T8 L0 Q! X+ Y  E, G% z
5 a# a; U$ d# w' g$ `' w  "At this point, it is not clear whether depressed people begin to listen to more music to escape, or whether listening to large amounts of music can lead to depression, or both," said Brian in a statement. By contrast, researchers found that reading books had the opposite association: with increase in time spent reading, teens' risk of depression dropped 50 percent.
# Q% i; S: z3 M3 m5 [! v0 A8 U  “目前为止,研究人员还不清楚是因为抑郁了所以通过音乐寻求解脱,还是听音乐太多了才抑郁,或者两者都有,”布莱恩在报告中写道。与之相反,研究人员发现读书与抑郁的联系完全不同:读书时间越多,年轻人陷于抑郁的几率竟能下降50%。( k5 I: ^8 l" ~5 w: U$ ~
  For the study, the researchers surveyed 106 participants aged seven to 17 for two months; 46 participants had been previously diagnosed with depression. Of all the media reported, only music showed significant associations with increased depression risk, after researchers controlled for factors like age, sex and ethnicity. But that doesn't necessarily mean that music causes depression - for some depressed teens, music may even help.9 z" r- K4 W1 p, J1 n

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