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[六级阅读] 2011大学英语四六级阅读训练(一)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
英语四六级阅读训练(一)4 c; Q3 D5 }6 d( i/ U
       Girls really do prefer pink–and not just because it is pretty. Scientists have shown that females are drawn to pinks and reds and men to blues and greens – and they believe the explanation lies our hunter-gatherer past.& V$ ~' K& I% D- _; r2 I, W3 j
  As the gatherers of the operation, women's brains became fine-tuned to the purples and reds of ripe fruits and berries. The men, meanwhile, developed a preference for the clear blue skies that signaled good weather for hunting.' n" k" [5 E- R
  The theory comes from Chinese scientists who asked more than 350 students to study 11 colors for three minutes.3 d- y8 n, h6 e" j& v1 e
  This revealed the women to favor pink, purple and white and the men to like blue and green, the journal Personality and Individual Differences reports. The experiment also revealed introverted men to be fond of yellow and neurotic women to be keen on grey.
4 m# E/ C& X2 q0 Y) z: L7 d  Orange went down well with women with a sunny disposition, while brown was out of favor with both sexes.
. \3 j# d  x, F* m- y: s  The Zhejiang University researchers said: "This asserts that a woman's brain is more specialised for gathering-related tasks, such as the identification of ripe fruit or edible red leaves embedded in green foliage."
8 {4 i! J! h, r, o1 ]9 ~  The ability to pick up on reds and pinks may also have helped in choosing a suitable mate, with rosy cheeks denoting good health and a red tinge the blush of attraction.
; F2 y5 R) K. m6 o8 g5 R  文章首先阐述女生更爱粉色,而男生则更喜欢蓝色或绿色这一事实。
6 c0 k! H* }3 K9 X5 \' q, T  接着文章解释了这一发现是如何得来的,接着文章介绍了实验的其他结果,并分析男女对颜色的偏好有何意义。
& N( O( p" B- F' l$ B* u! d$ v: }  ①draw to  逼近,接近; X: q2 f5 H/ w( z+ z" r; \
  ②fine-tuned 微调的,恰到好处的
0 {, S0 b8 p0 o% W) a$ x6 ]: T5 B  ③preference for  对……的偏爱- z2 N+ D! Y: C) \% u/ M. S
  ④go down well with sb.  为某人所接受,受某人欢迎    out of favor with sb.  失宠于某人' j: l( s8 @$ F6 y% N
  ⑤pick up on  与……熟悉起来,了解,领悟  O, H0 f$ @, C9 ~
  ⑥denote v. 表示,象征  denote多指用符号等表示,而indicate则是指用词语或标记表达比较明确的意义。- Y7 X5 A3 p( I* M% _) l& d
" q4 P/ k: m& x- z2 q9 Q( Y  考试时遇到跟问题相关的句子或信息点可用铅笔划下来做个记号,然后跟问题对比,找出正确答案。% }' |# P' N7 k# u
  Girls really do prefer pink–and not just because it is pretty. Scientists have shown that females are drawn to pinks and reds and men to blues and greens – and they believe the explanation lies our hunter-gatherer past.
; f" f+ y, P, m6 n$ g& v* T  女孩子们确实更喜欢粉色——这可不仅仅是因为它显人可爱的缘故。科学家宣称女性更喜欢红粉色系,男性倾心于蓝绿色系,而且他们将这种喜好归功于我们狩猎采集的过去。
1 u( X; o) ^3 C& n) R' f. z8 R  As the gatherers of the operation, women's brains became fine-tuned to the purples and reds of ripe fruits and berries. The men, meanwhile, developed a preference for the clear blue skies that signaled good weather for hunting.6 `0 q# j% H# T
( F% O" e4 A2 b  The theory comes from Chinese scientists who asked more than 350 students to study 11 colors for three minutes.
) |) K0 ]0 N; D& T  中国科学家在对350名学生就11种颜色进行了3分钟测试后得出了上述结论。
1 K& B/ [8 W1 K/ V5 q4 {  l  This revealed the women to favor pink, purple and white and the men to like blue and green, the journal Personality and Individual Differences reports. The experiment also revealed introverted men to be fond of yellow and neurotic women to be keen on grey.
( m  j- w7 S4 y7 l& p1 m  《人格与个体差异》称这些科学家发现,女性更喜欢粉色、紫色和白色,而男性更喜欢蓝色和绿色。实验还揭示出,内向男子更喜欢黄色,而有焦虑症状的女子热衷灰色。5 z" r, ]' K9 b( u4 I$ k) S4 S
  Orange went down well with women with a sunny disposition, while brown was out of favor with both sexes.. O3 I  P1 j0 j8 E8 `( p0 Z! n/ h
  乐观开朗的女生喜欢橙色,而不论男女,棕色皆在可接受范围内。% R3 }* t% H& q9 ?7 M/ z
  The Zhejiang University researchers said: "This asserts that a woman's brain is more specialised for gathering-related tasks, such as the identification of ripe fruit or edible red leaves embedded in green foliage."# B. ?7 k2 m. G8 l3 }- C
  浙江大学研究人员称:“这说明了女性的大脑更适合与操控采集相关的工作,比如对成熟果实的区分以及对镶嵌于绿叶中的可食用红叶的辨认。”) f6 U, S( Z  i; k
  The ability to pick up on reds and pinks may also have helped in choosing a suitable mate, with rosy cheeks denoting good health and a red tinge the blush of attraction.
4 i( [  z, m3 B5 m9 r0 W6 `6 q  这种辨认红粉色系的能力也可能有助于挑选一个好伴侣。红润的面庞昭示了自己的健康,而一抹红色更添娇羞。

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