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[六级阅读] 2012年12月大学英语六级阅读专项练习题07

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  a. f8 A! t  U9 H3 G& P/ N# W2 B8 G6 b7 I* W7 i1 M7 u8 u

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:45 | 显示全部楼层


1.What does the author imply by saying“If you’ve ever been burned by a scam or network marketing hype…”?
$ x( R, V& I/ R- g0 f: ~  [A]You could have worked at home jobs or MLM companies. : e+ I) J2 z  j, i% x; a
  [B]You could have been cheated by the network marketing.
5 N9 t: r5 `+ {6 y' Q% U- {1 s  [C]You could have been cracked up to be what you are all. 7 S8 u' k; {/ }" B1 S
  [D]You could have made a lot of money from the network marketing. 8 @, m5 U! z+ r# Q) b
  2.If you expect to make money in the network marketing,the most significant ability you must have is_______.
, K9 b! ^! {7 D+ C4 X$ V  [A]knowing well the great lies of network marketing
4 M7 P" U/ O5 z2 w. i! c. K  [B]realizing that the business is about sale
4 r  E$ a. u; u  ~# S' ~  [C]having to be an excellent salesperson : s* Y6 d! d& m- i, W9 ?
  [D]knowing your product and target market exactly   f$ A: L+ q/ O1 V6 |8 W/ ?
  3.One great advantage you can enjoy to make money in the network marketing is that__________.
) `0 N/ ?3 V7 v% C' n  [A]you can earn as much money as you Can 2 w3 O1 P. [, k
  [B]you will have basic income and bonuses   M. c1 t* ^9 \1 d9 r& _6 ]
  [C]you will have the chance for promotion
  M6 }, c1 u! W1 L; D/ I  [D]you aren’t limited to selling anything & `" [, z+ _  I' I8 H) ^, p
  4.The potentially increased income in the network market depends on_________. 1 s4 O0 [9 D2 X3 y. e; S: j
  [A]the quality of the product and the service you provide % U, d8 \9 M2 z( O7 Y$ o8 k) q
  [B]the skills in marketing of the workers you employ $ J7 H) J- x* J6 |$ r+ @
  [C]the share of a portion or percentage of your income 转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
3 G; q# [- G% N! K! T, f. W  @  [D]your hardworking and your increased skills in sale # ^9 Z) V; J! n
  5.From the last paragraph we can learn that____________.
1 |' ]3 s& _6 `% b) e  [A]you are certain to earn much money in the network marketing 8 Y) G: \! s; u
  [B]success in the network marketing is up to you and your progress   M+ }5 L" v7 F; U; X0 b% O
  [C]making money in the network marketing is an easy job
4 N* `) k9 x( |* R  [D]you don’t be so fool to work with a network marketing company
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:46 | 显示全部楼层


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