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[六级阅读] 2012年12月大学英语六级阅读专项练习题13

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
( k& J9 r) z  b% Q" K6 d3 k/ t
8 D: A# U; t6 P, B( k

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:45 | 显示全部楼层


52.The first paragraph is intended to___________. 3 e" |  |1 A. l- Q  E. m( [
  [A]suggest that self-medication has a long history , I4 Q$ ^9 P# [$ m3 G
  [B]define what diagnosis means exactly / G& i0 r4 U, C
  [C]praise doctors for their expertise
1 l8 V% `  J) ]- B  [D]tell the symptoms from the causes # V, G; {" K5 L9 H* E" t4 |
  53. Advertisements are aimed at people suffering from mild complaints because_______.
. n& M' u& E: _. O. n' n) s6 D; B  [A]they of ten watch ads on TV 0 Q$ M. g' J& E( w+ ^  w
  [B]they are more likely to buy the drugs advertised
  g/ p) E5 l9 ~5 U+ Y* I* A2 E' N  [C]they generally lead a sedentary life www.ExamW.CoM
  s* m! k) E3 V2 J6 K  [D]they don’t take to sports and easily catch colds 4 ?; N' g9 e& y1 J; p! n- f
  54.Paragraphs 2 and 3 explain_________.
) I0 d3 @0 O- P, m/ C% k  [A]those good things are not without side effects 4 ^6 a/ Q- J( S& S& k# @
  [B]why clever advertising is so powerful : i; W- r3 \! n+ i. O
  [C]why in modern times self-medication is still practised
0 a( R: w  ]- Q  [D]why people develop faulty ways of life
5 u/ F& [5 S: V3 H; H  55.The author tells us in paragraph 4________. 7 |+ n! `$ o1 m8 M
  [A]the reasons for keeping medicines at home 8 ]) ^  N% v4 X) i
  [B]people’s doubt about taking drugs
9 b! H9 q7 i- q. T, d  [C]what kind of medicine people should prepare at home
- n# `: U% h! U  ]  [D]the possible harms self-medication may do to people 5 r# D+ J3 M* D& |- u4 g2 ~  D- [
  56.The best title for the passage would be_______.
! D# W! Y+ m' n; H  [A]Medical Practice
$ u6 Z$ t: ]5 b, N; {. F! A  [B]Clever Advertising . a! U' Z- v: t. b
  [C]Self-Medication % K# z' h' N& ?& I" _" n
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:46 | 显示全部楼层


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