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[六级阅读] 2012年12月大学英语六级阅读专项练习题15

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 i8 X3 s, F% T+ G8 u, d, _9 _# u+ v" ?8 V1 a3 I

% M: }" }! d1 e3 h. C! N: O/ E* n  1.Why does the author use the phrase“for next November”(Line 3.Para.1)?
' `9 u" |- P( W  [A]According to The Old Testament freshwater is available only in November. 2 B( e+ a/ M, {
  [B]Rainfall comes only in winter starting from November. . O" R+ I0 h! e, D
  [C]Running water systems will not be ready until next November.
  ~. {; H0 W' t" O- D  [D]It is a custom in that region that irrigation to crops is done only in November. 0 E* e# L. h' z: [3 m' M
  2.What is NOT the cause for the imminent water war?
+ F$ b0 c% A1 l* j" T0 S  [A]Lack of water resources.
% i$ F8 j6 @: u4 R9 W4 X( B" o  [B]Lack of rainfall. + m& F! b0 G# a0 o( d4 A3 P0 c
  [C]Inefficient use of water.
" g) |9 o% n- h  h. z! ?  [D]Water has replaced oil
, J; Y3 i: H" q! h0 y  3.One way for the region to use water efficiently is to_____. 0 Y9 B) S1 q, T- M; n1 ]# r. c
  [A]develop other enterprises that cost less water + q& q8 ^$ b4 {9 W! M0 W1 i1 T
  [B]draw a plan of irrigation for the various nations / a0 f5 v% U  E* y) V$ f
  [C]import water from water-rich nations
5 e4 x% R9 e( s, N" U  [D]stop wars of any sort for good and all
+ E$ d# F0 A, D4 Y( D8 y7 X  L- q  4.Uri Shamir’s viewpoint is that______. % V: S  h' O0 K6 ]' l9 ^1 c9 }) u9 B
  [A]nations in that region are just fighting for water www.Examw.com
; p& \' u/ I8 d& w. x1 [  [B]people there are thirsty for peace instead of water
8 i( ?2 w8 |7 L- [; |  [C]water is no problem as long as there is peace
* \1 w2 {& g+ _. B/ M1 H  _  [D]those nations have every reason to fight for water
1 {1 y7 F9 Y+ d2 r; e  5.The author’s tone in the article can be described as_______.
. y1 w% A; r7 E& [5 x8 L, ^" G  [A]depressing
' T5 i) V) h1 ?  [B]urgent , H* G* a; o/ ]
  [C]joking $ w( F. M6 B  n* Z8 w& U, a2 N$ X* Y, j

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:45 | 显示全部楼层


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