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[六级阅读] 2012年12月大学英语六级阅读专项练习题16

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年12月大学英语六级阅读专项练习题16& R5 `. z( x+ [0 A
9 J* S; f, Q: A6 E2 @1 Q+ c
* N) ^/ Z! m! e' }) h& A) a$ W" M
  1.Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?
* u0 {( e" ?( k1 N' M/ x  [A]Cellphone service is popular among people. : I. m9 }! A' O
  [B]Cellphone has much use in office. ! p* \  ?4 E' O7 U* u
  [C]Fake foiling is a new cellphone service.
0 H% k$ d4 D7 z" r2 N7 Z  [D]Fake foning is a new discovery. 4 w3 I! b; S( p9 V3 v
  2.What is fake foning?
& |8 ^+ b# Q! [, \  [A]A strategy to avoid people.
: N  D+ \: ?6 V1 x) Q3 n  [B]A device newly produced. 2 D/ {; I% p- q& n9 @
  [C]A service provided everywhere.
4 O& p' y% y( W& v9 j/ u" L  [D]A skill of communication.
1 N) e$ T5 N7 m  3.In the author’s opinion,in order to make fake foning look real one has to_____.
$ H% }! U/ D$ V7 o, z/ i& A$ o2 m  [A]talk about interesting matters
4 {8 l7 H- |/ j  [B]behave politely to people passing by 8 ?6 B: _  `) o' ^' j
  [C]hold the phone while walking / [; `" d, q7 U+ y
  [D]appear absorbed in conversation
6 U* e' [, F* F  4.what does the last example show? 7 ]: S( M: T4 [  w" A
  [A]One effective way is to fake fone one’s doctor.
3 t& R4 E# j& U9 P5 }  [B]One has to be careful while fake foning.
: X3 O4 ~& }- Y: q4 b6 P$ F  [C]Fake foning may not deceive people.
, X! {2 \8 u& W3 t2 h6 M7 X  [D]Fake foning is always quite successful.
. g2 q8 @' @2 M  5.After his phone suddenly began ringing the author_______. 7 P9 D% t( ]3 `
  [A]immediately started talking to the caller : r$ E# [1 }- q# A# B/ u! w2 s
  [B]immediately started talking to his colleague
- j$ c- \# C$ L  s  [C]putt he phone away and stopped talking
% h% E5 ]: ?5 S) g  [D]continued with his fake conversation

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:45 | 显示全部楼层


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