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[六级阅读] 2012年12月大学英语六级阅读专项练习题19

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
( i0 _) A$ F5 Q
' o" {! w  z& q7 P2 B) d# P
, C, ?3 C8 S. F! [  1.The first paragraph suggests that_________.
2 V! z7 t3 Q1 u" g  [A]environment is crucial for wildlife
% E# L' Q( ^2 R8 N+ r5 G  [B]tour books are not always a reliable source of information . P+ P) {8 \. s# X$ @4 _% k
  [C]London is a city of fox ) h! G: ]/ |/ a
  [D]foxes are highly adaptable to environment www.ExamW.CoM
3 R7 Y# S5 m& \$ Q# I  2.The selection is primarily concerned with_______. 6 G6 v* f( Y% P/ n1 ^
  [A]wildlife of all kinds returning to large cities to live ; i5 P( i! f& J4 s9 j$ e
  [B]falcons in New York,Baltimore,Philadelphia,and Norfolk 4 ~) _! u3 U2 O) F* L( }0 g
  [C]moose stumbling into plate-glass storefronts
9 d6 u9 D7 @% k, Z! n  [D]foxes returning to London
: ~0 ?  K3 R' H, D" ^) u  3.In the 4th paragraph the pheasants,badgers,and martins etc.are mentioned to_______.
% s% v2 m5 _) m( k0 m% P  [A]explain their living habit
/ ?2 a& |4 c! v/ t. a/ q' ^1 Y  [B]make known their habitat
% e7 n+ h$ u9 n7 {; k2 L9 T  [C]show the endeavors of Londoners to make the city habitable for wildlife
" m- B/ A7 [' v  y( R  [D]encourage volunteers to do something for the species 4 g" C- j) ]/ T9 n5 d8 {$ H
  4.The main idea of paragraph 3 is________. , m6 m6 x. s& f4 V- f
  [A]that air and water quality has improved in the cities 2 l3 r1 ~, y1 }7 |- ]5 D" N
  [B]why wildlife likes the noise and commotion in the cities
: n8 k4 w% Q* Y' S. }  [C]that wildlife refuges have been built in the cities
" p  k  o4 V, J, }9 l# r# t  Q+ T  [D]why wildlife is returning to cities 5 o% T5 z5 |3 F
  5.Cities make good homes for peregrine falcons because they provide_________. 4 Z2 W3 x1 @! o
  [A]bountiful nesting areas,abundant food,and rainwater control basins 8 S" x) m; p) w# e
  [B]abundant food,buildings that resemble cliffs,and no natural predators * ^1 g- s4 F& ]4 T$ W9 A$ u
  [C]large buildings with chimneys,other wildlife,and well-lighted nesting areas / R& z  F( B5 Z* h$ ?) ?* e6 @) l- }3 ?. |
  [D]abundant food,chimneys,rubble,and window sills

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:45 | 显示全部楼层


. l+ s0 ~; Y) y, B  过去由于城市污染,很多动物远离城市,但随着城市环境的改善,城市范围的扩大,以及人们修建野生动物庇护所等举措的实施,越来越多的动物又回到了城市,开始了新的生活。 + ~8 _8 r' p- g4 F# |8 ~, j
+ {( y4 s/ H5 K0 a: l; X  综合推断题。文章第一段指出,随着开发商的到来,城市受到污染,狐狸就离开了,后来环境变干净了,狐狸又回来了,即第一段暗示了环境对于动物的重要性,所以A正确。 www.Examw.com, O; f- k+ d) f* O
  2.A 4 c% q3 H" d( m! o5 M# b; m8 p% b' A) i+ L
6 q& E9 L+ A, V$ G  3.C ) |3 o, a; j7 w( b" c: G( y' `
1 D8 v9 F& J+ E3 U6 s  4.D
7 ]; g+ o4 |  r! @0 U. I  主旨题。文章第三段首句指出,城市的很多变化使野生动物又回来了,接下来的内容又谈论了一些具体的变化,由此可知,本段主要论述了野生动物回到城市里的原因,所以D正确。 7 m' @3 c$ y# |! G0 l
  ^; b; }- S$ ~, y4 }( n1 |  信息明示题。由文章第五段最后一句和第六段第一、二句可知,B正确。 </p>
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