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[综合] 2012英语六级考试翻译指导学习九

发表于 2012-8-14 10:40:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. _______________ (我们确定搞两个开放):namely, to open up both externally and internally.   2. _____________ (不用说)that he’s been there before.
" P" Z6 W( c7 i  3. _____________ (真想不到)that he had done a thing like that.' y5 S( T7 A* a8 k. w
  4.Premier Zhou ________________(一心想着人民的利益).
( I$ R, u( z6 |3 t* b/ ^  5. ____________(她非常不情愿地)that she agreed to help.
' E- x/ J0 z% G% ~1 `1 Q  1. We have decided on an open policy in two respects
3 Y* G! e# {  n, L1 r  解析:本题考查了语序的调整。“两个开放”在原句中充当宾语,但是英语却不能说two opens,只能理解成“在两个方面实行开放政策”。因此,“搞两个开放”应处理成“动词+宾语+状语”的结构。另外,“搞”字在英语中没有一个绝对的对等词,而且“搞”在汉语是一个动词,经常带一些宾语、状语、补语,这些成分和“搞”字一起传情达意。读者在英译的时候应注意对“搞”字的准确翻译。如:
& g: h% g8 t% ^2 U2 P  你到底在搞什么?  ]! z, q# N2 S! X  `
  What the hell are you doing?
! Y% |- K7 l9 g9 |$ u  大量的数学作业搞得我头昏脑胀。
. ?3 B/ o7 s9 n  A great number of math exercises make my head swim.+ R3 e3 p- @# k# ~# X" b1 q
  你最好耐心一些,否则会把事情搞僵了。2 q7 d' |7 w5 I' x. P$ Y  B
  You’d better be patient, or you might bring things to a deadlock./ N- ^' ?* i4 D0 w$ F  e
# U! e* x* U9 t" S8 [& q  The two brothers are very much alike. Don’t mistake one for another.! W# F! Y* z- _! A" a
  他思路搞通了,精神也就愉快了。% m; c; a6 _& O5 r2 i$ w' `
  Once he straightened out his ideas,he became cheerful again.
( ~5 Y! c* r0 [7 b! v  这孩子把房间搞得一团糟。  ]3 \3 s0 @, y' N2 _
  The kid made the room a total mess.( l1 A# G2 o1 u0 L* i
  2. It’s needless to say
* J" l) `# K; ~% R9 K! m& K  解析:考生应留意否定词译法,即在have,there be及情态动词后面加no或not,在实义动词前面加上do或does not,在某些省略句中加上no。本题考查的是派生词用法。和汉语不同,英语单词词根可以加上前缀或后缀以改变单词本义,如 ab-,dis-,im-,ir-,il-,mal-,non-,un-,under-,less等都是表示否定意义的词缀。
0 ]" S$ @& z* t% k  3. It was unexpected5 `! [6 [: b% `. }- q
  解析:考生应注意照顾前后时态一致,考查的是“形式主语it+形容词+that-从句”的结构。如果题干改为________(真想不到)his doing a thing like that,答案就要相应改为fancy。fancy one’s doing带有更强烈的语气,惊讶程度也比it’s unexpected高。! @$ c% [3 J. Z! A/ T
  4. has always had the interests of the people at heart* g7 W% W6 x+ ]% D% @
  解析:英语里“一心想着”、“总是想着”可以用短语always think about、have sth.. at heart、be preoccupied with sth. 来表达。但是它们的感情色彩是截然不同的。第一个短语是一般性用语,感情色彩为中性;第二个短语感情色彩为褒义;第三个短语往往后接不好的事情,是贬义词。如:
5 n8 C; m, |- C, e, [4 g  我总是想着一放假就早点回家。
9 d5 I! K& z$ i/ j7 x, a% t  r, h- r1 h  I always think about going back home earlier once on vacation.' U8 ?2 Z0 P& t% v1 q& l0 m
  王子一心想着复仇。! x4 _) M9 c2 h- o: l9 g3 \
  The Prince was preoccupied with revenge.4 Z2 C5 K# o: @! L: b
  5. It was very reluctantly
$ F. t* @, F' I0 t, k) o6 t  解析:本题较难。考查的并不是形式主语句,二是一个强调句型。本句可以说成:She agreed to help very reluctantly. 原句的需填补部分是对状语的强调,以突出“极不情愿”这一信息中心。强调句用途很广,我们可以根据上下文和语义意图分别强调句子的主语、间接宾语、直接宾语、状语等

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