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[综合] 英语六级口语指导:Holidays五

发表于 2012-8-14 10:40:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Substitutions Drills% z" r0 d6 O( K5 y: }
1. A: What are you up to?
1 F" H+ b$ T9 _. C. g  B: I’m (taking it easy/ relaxing/ staying in tonight)./ L% d5 A% G& E8 P) _- _5 s3 _
  @% F3 v( z* ^# Y我去(放松一下/轻松一下/今晚呆在家里)。 2. A: Do you have any plans?
1 L9 b* Q+ c+ M! B1 i9 n  B: I’m going to (watch movies/ read a book/ wash my bicycle). 2 z! Q& k4 X! y" v
5 N* o8 H- q* b* |9 A我打算去(看电影/看本书/清洗我的自行车)。
6 @0 j% B7 y7 h9 R& L( a- \3. A: Sounds (nice/ exciting/ thrilling).
, T1 d7 }$ S! `* ]% _! c  B: You’re welcome to join me if you want.
) {& q6 U( F( }2 i) j$ w& ]听起来(不错/很刺激/惊险)。
4 Z; X# d+ P6 o' G6 Y如果你愿意欢迎你加入我们。2 l  K; S# M/ O4 M, E2 r! T
4. A: I’ve been so (busy/ stressed out/ overwhelmed) lately.
, C- G! j9 u# [2 H+ V' D  B: You should take it easy.& p$ v* x+ C( d. L
我近来(一直很忙/压力很大/负荷很大)。1 f+ s" j7 t1 v7 k0 B. H. k+ d* a
% }& b6 C) ^/ ~9 a' K# ]- a5. A: Can I check this (book/ encyclopedia/ audiotape) out?
2 R4 ?. L  b6 H7 n) {  B: I’m sorry. It’s for reference only.4 G5 S. _% V2 K; h: t# Q- ~' v
  o/ h# }. a5 b9 Q9 U8 t对不起,这是只供参考的书目。
* g, [: V$ \7 M0 Q) c6. A: When is this book due back?# Q0 G6 C1 E. @9 w
  B: It’s due back (next Tuesday/ a week from Friday/ in three days).
$ q, m0 c% L7 Y! m& s这本书归还期限是什么时候?
1 P" _$ e4 Y( r4 s3 P2 x. \下星期二/星期五开始后的一个星期/三天以内。" L; d6 R3 {, h* |7 q( G2 s% J
7. A: Do you have any books on (cars/ fish/ European economic conditions)?
5 y1 H8 r) @- X' I; X  B: These might be helpful.
- ~, G- j! n( C, @# g* D2 X0 X有没有关于(汽车/鱼类/欧洲经济状况)的书?
; q& f4 a; o  J这些可能有些帮助。
/ _! A) R' A6 |; D1 f. s# v# C( l8. A: I’m sorry, sir. No (eating/ drinking/ using mobile phones) in the library.
4 ]# L8 y' e9 \  B: Please forgive me.
/ c# r5 s" G: O' ?! c' p9 w5 [- S对不起,先生。图书馆内不准(吃东西/喝东西/使用手提电话)。4 J8 F: M; V+ @7 U/ ^5 S( E2 H
请原谅。, x! u$ O; d0 t) e4 ^1 p: e9 {
9. A: It’s such (a beautiful/ an exquisite/ a lifelike) statue.*. u0 y7 L: m9 T% x; u' y
  B: I agree.
8 w, o' A" Y4 `5 |8 c! z这尊雕像真是(漂亮/精致/栩栩如生)。0 N- c7 K/ Y8 T  c
是这样。! Y( O) I4 R0 d6 V3 ~: g% j( ~
10. A: How much is it worth?
# u/ Z) r% j" _3 b1 t* A: `# D( x   B: I’d guess around ($20,000/ $4,801,199/ $2.7 million).
( l$ E+ \( V7 Y, o它值多少钱?  [$ w9 Q7 D$ b2 i( S

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