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[综合] 英语六级口语指导:American’s Favorites五

发表于 2012-8-14 10:40:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
monologue0 w* m% p0 q7 A) B/ O) L& X; S
Carl’s Note:
" o) d  m% A+ RAmericans call football “soccer” because they call American football “football.” Don’t let the names of the games fool you, though, they are very different. American football is more like rugby than football. Except for one or two special plays, players use their hands to carry or throw the ball. Usually only one player throws the ball, he is called the quarterback. The quarterback tries to lead his team’s offense down a 100-yard (a little less than 100 meters) field by passing (throwing) the ball or giving it to another player who runs with it.  If the quarterback’s team carries the ball across the 100th yard, then they score a touchdown. The defense tries to keep the offense from scoring touchdowns by grabbing the player with the ball and pulling him to the ground.  If the offense cannot move 10 yards forward in four plays, it must give the ball to the other team.
0 [3 J$ l" G" h7 H& i+ N& h& I卡尔的话: % f4 Y# s; _7 c' O0 s# V
美国人称足球(football)为soccer, 因为football在美国英语中意为“橄榄球”。他们之间大相径庭,因而不要被名字糊弄。美式足球与其称之为足球,倒不如称之为橄榄球。除了一两个特殊的球之外,球员们都是用手带球或投球。通常只有一个球员传球,这个队员就是四分卫。四分卫试图带领自己队的进攻队员沿着100码长(略短于100米)的球场传球或带球。如果四分卫这方成功地带球穿过100码的球场,那边获得触地得分。防守方则尽力阻止进攻方获得触地得分,他们可以擒抱带球的球员并把他拖到地上。如果在四次发球机会内进攻方都不能带过10码的场地,球将交由另一方控制。 Part Five: Vocabulary and Phrases
0 A. L: B1 F/ j0 J9 ]% A+ X4 {--homerun 本垒打8 x/ w% }0 ~1 \* w" a
--touchdown 触地,触地得分
* N0 A3 H: v0 p4 ]5 N# [--pass [pB:s] (球类运动中)传递
; L. O7 E. k$ a; L--slam-dunk (篮球)扣篮
& Z2 {8 b5 Y: s4 m1 f--pastime  消遣;娱乐; x4 o+ M* E5 c5 @6 O
--referee  (篮球、足球、拳击等的)裁判员
2 R# ]- z+ v! E0 P# u--penalty  犯规的处罚;罚球7 C* ~, v. l  K1 G3 }/ s
--offense  进攻,攻击
0 c& h* m8 H4 m5 {4 L, i--defense  防御,保卫,防护

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