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[综合] 2012大学英语六级考试翻译指导练习三十一

发表于 2012-8-14 10:40:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. ______________(除非你和保险公司签订货物保险合同),you are not entitled to a repayment for the goods damaged in delivery.
: o2 E* P2 V: k9 B9 ?( `  2. ______________(据报道,这个地方卫生组织25年前就成立了)when Dr. Mark became its first president. 
4 S# G8 q- ?9 {- `$ V5 G8 `$ X; h  3. Mrs. Smith shut the window lest ______________(外面的噪音会影响她儿子的睡眠).
+ L* l% h. V. {+ }8 e  4. The new mayor was charged ______________(未能履行他降低通货膨胀率的承诺).4 T' _& n7 C0 Y
  5. _____________(每当遇到这类问题时,我的大脑就一片空白),and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.; M* N. \3 p9 Q; n: P
  1. Unless you sign a contract with the insurance company for your goods
' z& [0 T/ p7 D  解析:本题考查对连词unless用法的掌握。unless表示"除非......否则",相当于"if...not",常用于引导条件状语从句。* @1 n8 y0 W1 M& b/ T1 U
  2. It is reported that the local health organization was established 25 years ago/The local health organization is reported to have been established 25 years ago  P: G+ H! l3 Z' N' y
  解析:本题考查形式主语it及被动语态的用法。It is reported that...意为"据报道......",it为形式主语,后面的that从句为句子的真正主语,表示"卫生组织成立"应该用被动语态。另外,本句也可以直接用报道的对象the local health organization充当主语,原来从句中的谓语动词转换成相应的不定式的完成式。6 T' ^/ c# l5 ^& l
  3. the noise outside (should) interfere with her son‘s sleep0 u1 W! e" n+ u
  解析:本题考查对虚拟语气和短语interfere with的掌握。连词lest(以免),for fear that(唯恐,恐怕)和in case(万一)引起的从句中谓语动词常使用虚拟语气,其形式为"should+动词原形",should可省略。interfere with意为"打扰妨碍(某事)"。' {1 l# {  U$ `2 _; O1 s6 C
  4. with failure to fulfill his promise to decrease the inflation rate+ R# K/ o. K3 ?. @
  解析:本题考查charge的搭配以及其他一些短语的用法。Charge sb. with sth.意为"以某事指控或控告某人",另外accuse...(of)也表示"指控或控告",注意不同的介词搭配。Failure(fail) to do sth.常用于表示"未能做成某事",本句中是跟在介词with后面,所以用名词failure。- `8 V* w6 L# T, H7 s( Z3 [; t" o
  5. When confronted with such questions,my mind goes blank
; M+ e3 D: L1 {7 }  解析:本题考查对短语be confronted with及单词blank的掌握。Be confronted with sb./sth.表示"面对、面临某人或某事",go blank常用于表示"(思想或大脑)变得空白、呆滞"。

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