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[六级模拟] 2011年英语六级考试模拟练习题及答案(四)6

发表于 2012-8-14 10:57:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 Part V Error Correction (15 minutes)1 ~, F; D. [" B8 h2 |
  Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.+ C. U# [( Q  v9 G1 e9 J9 N
- B0 }. v3 [& w/ C1 o7 E  Television is rapidly becoming the literature of our periods. 1. time/times/period
" {, c5 }# x. W. H& _& b
% {3 {: e+ @( }; a; Z# i  Many of the arguments having used for the study of literature 2.______________8 J; x  e6 b: A0 b6 G
  as a school subject are valid for ∧ study of television. 3.______________
7 M2 R6 B( u% E) ?  Are you worried about the rising crime rate? If you
0 _1 R% A, t4 ^% B8 S0 t9 |* [  are, then you probably know that your house,1 }2 B( [9 {" P4 T% y
  possessions and persons are increasingly in danger of# j- i7 G0 r2 L% y" `! Y! p- j; D5 H
  suffering from the tremendous rise in the cases of burglar 62. ________! @3 c) O) r5 x! q. f: G) ~: y! u
  and assault. Figures indicate that it is an ever-increasing 63. ________
9 [! B) R% A! Q0 W' `  crime rate but it is only too easy to imagine "it will
  Q8 N  x( g5 T9 F$ H  Y  never happen to me". Unfortunately, statistics show it is 64. ________
0 d5 J. \7 {& v* e  a- t  really can happen to you and, if you live in the large6 x4 v5 r1 r; @2 I
  city, you run twice the risk of being a victim. 65. ________
& }5 w) k# u/ ]) O5 U# `, R$ v: _  Fortunately, there is something definite what you 66. ________
% s0 Y& G3 l1 p% w# R  can do. Protect Alarms can help to protect your house! P2 s, M! D) B( m
  with a burglar alarm system which is effective, simple to
7 F/ m0 f  r9 C1 w  operate and easily affordable. You may remember that 67. ________
" q8 {9 \% _7 N) C9 {/ u% H* o  possessing a burglar alarm is no indication which your 68. ________3 l# Y$ f) [) J& L9 y* ^: v
  house is packed with valuable possessions. It quite
3 r0 h) o' F7 I: _# s3 V  simply indicates of unwelcome visitors that yours is one 69. ________
1 O- U. B3 c9 k, R  house they will not break into easily so they carry on to
1 h( P, o4 v+ n1 q3 t& |5 c, x  an unprotect house where their job is made a lot easier. 70. ________
, F) t1 ~- w' u6 q8 w  Send now for our free leaflet telling you how we can
9 v4 P' m; E. q* k4 ^  protct and alarm your house quickly, easily and$ o* B9 ]% C& W% G6 d, ?
  cheaply. Complete out and tear off the slip below and 71. ________+ b+ @" p! d( ~5 h
  post it to us. Postage is free.

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