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[专四辅导] 英语专业四级考试词汇语法题训练九十

发表于 2012-8-14 11:09:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Once a lighthouse is built, no ship of any nationality can be effectively __________ from the utilization of the lighthouse for navigational purposes.
/ `7 V8 r# C  @: b, G& h1 aA. isolated
3 E" g/ a, W5 t4 }. |& LB. dismissed4 [. i" N' y% c1 K: `2 {
C. distracted6 o; B& l; i/ a( Y
D. excluded
1 b' W% n1 I9 j9 h, o1 @! x8 B& r4 T9 \
2. The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transportation and is therefore, not __________ to work locally.
- }8 t! D6 U& I, H% y# A9 GA. compelled
: p+ K6 |6 E" i2 }B. obliged
3 m  @9 K6 A8 ~C. restricted$ |* N, |' B8 q  |
D. repelled7 V! s) A3 K  b& O! _" V+ y
! h4 L+ x0 S& |" g! |
3. The doctors don't __________ that the patient will live much longer.* a, `8 T# D: Z/ @- X  p* o" R6 v' V  l
A. monitor
0 V2 l4 x) j5 JB. manifest! g3 x% ~: K0 t* a: O/ H0 X
C. articulate7 T9 V' r. f* Y' j9 |* k; w
D. anticipate
! a9 ^" \! S, X" q) `# ?9 ?# i- ^- l9 C1 h
4. A benefit performance is a performance for which a charitable organization has bought out at a discounted price and __________ funds by selling ticketsat a full price.7 X4 e! a( b: W6 I. B5 a* B
A. furnishes3 E5 b+ U3 [. }  ?7 K
B. raises
4 s/ S4 B4 T( @- Q( yC. accumulates+ b# g. O; _. K  T; h
D. contributes
% r- Y; d6 \! h9 h& I( y' A3 V( U
5. Astronomers at the University of Calfornia discovered one of the most distant _________.) T0 x% o6 r$ O& h2 H0 B* Y
A. paradoxes
7 C( {% a, P! e7 s: R" [B. paradises
5 P1 R8 g  |: ~8 \6 x  q  ZC. galaxies
# c6 S: j4 G4 ?( VD. shuttles0 V# H) p; D' N2 q  x$ R1 y% c
! r/ E  y9 w8 V# H
- a" w1 j# S' q- n# R
1.[答案]D- U, O. r8 F) K8 W/ b/ z
/ a9 c. q( C5 q  R0 O[答案解析]从句子意思看,灯塔的建立是为了方便航海船只使用。因此不管船只是哪国,都不应该“排除在外”,整个句子采用了双重否定的形式来表示肯定的含义。excluded意为“被排除在外的”,因此选D。isolate(孤立,隔离)常与from搭配;dismiss(开除,解散);distract(转移,分散)。 # Q2 v1 T" O- y0 J$ d
8 C, O9 K; I7 `, H7 b/ A* w
: \7 G, W7 Q7 \9 {* ~4 P2 v0 q[译文]车主不再被迫依赖公共交通工具,因此,也不被限制在本区域工作。
+ ?" L/ x( {) _2 E$ x* F  N[答案解析]restrict(约束,限制);compel(强迫,迫使);oblige(迫使,使感激);repel(击退,抵制)。$ t' x) s; F. ^' |5 x% l1 z  l
% h- [( s# X2 \9 E; C
4 {2 R- j+ K0 t7 d! G[译文]医生们预料这个病人不会活多长时间。/ F  C3 E1 G) Z) M& t% H
[答案解析]anticipate(预料,期望,先于...行动);monitor(监控);manifest(显示);articulate(发音,明白地说)。8 S9 f/ |# l$ A; C+ L* G/ t) T" \

9 p+ t  Q( w/ ?% z4.[答案]B
# ]8 @- s; f: d0 O( @5 q0 h[译文]慈善演出是指慈善机构以折价的方式购得演出票,再以全价售出,以筹集慈善资金的一种演出。
' T" D  c, F% w# r, {* t[答案解析]raise(筹集,筹借,提升,养育,饲养);furnish(提供,供给,布置,为...配置家具);accumulate(积累,积聚);contribute(捐献,捐助)。
3 y& ]0 t0 ?! a5 _# T
% i3 c% \, X7 Z5 ~: p, V1 L+ d5.[答案]C
* X1 c# t  Z1 n" R- K. L[答案解析]galaxies(星系);paradoxes(似是而非的论点,自相矛盾的话);paradises(天堂,乐园);shuttles(航空器) 。

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