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[专四辅导] 专四词汇辅导:英语之“路”知多少1

发表于 2012-8-14 11:09:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1、way:沿着一定方向到达某一目的地的路线。   (01) The hunter found a way through the forest.$ c9 A0 l' D5 P/ G% g2 h) \+ Z
  (02) Which is the shortest way to get there?2 J) h2 f1 V; s. k8 O1 a1 u
. v1 t/ _4 m0 [2 i5 `  (03) Being a truck driver means long hours on the road.
* H5 w# a: f: W" X+ l3 [! b7 h! ]  (04) There have been so many road accidents lately that you must teach the children about road safety.
( y& r  Y# V$ a# Y9 x" D# ]  3、path:指地上由人走出来的小路、小径,也指物体运行的路线、途径。7 |5 p9 v- u3 p. R$ }- X
  (05) Grass has grown over the path through the woods now that people no langer use it . 穿过林子的小路因没有人再走了而长满了草。
' t+ u  j' n% P) N/ ^2 i  (06) The path of a projectile is a curve. 弹道成曲线状。
3 G! w9 F  z3 f0 E+ V4 a8 r4 x  4、track:通常指跑道、轨道,有时也指崎岖的小路。
& J- `  P2 M) Y2 S  (07) He has run five times round the track. 他顺着跑道跑了五圈。) e- _# E: s9 [; I, O
  (08) They walked along a rough track to the village.
6 t4 q) l5 F) L8 K& [  5、trail:荒野中踩出的小道、小径,山村间崎岖的小路。
* f% c3 O2 ?: D  (09) The couple walked along a trail in the forest.
. O4 u9 }5 q, o, S9 d: ~" `  (10) They have followed the desert trails for days.$ j% S( }* c+ w) [1 r7 f. E
  6、lane:指小巷,胡同,里弄,乡间小道,车道。/ `# @# c9 o7 N* n& w2 w" e
  (11) This lane is lined by evergreen bushes on both sides.
% J& Z# S) S& L- i' A/ C; c0 u* r  (12) Driving in the fast lane is exciting to a new driver.7 O  `( b- K: H% J" b$ N* S( Q
8 _8 O* a! D, V: W/ G  (13) This is a blind alley.
5 _( `5 c0 \' g$ v# H4 d  8、passage 较为狭窄的通道,过道。
9 [: x1 K2 {; b, p' T( d& y; o  (14) He forced a passage through the crowd.
) L" Y& N! L" S! b  (15) There was a door at the end of the passage.
+ o- d* J8 t  w" r8 i' }  9、corridor(英) hallway(美) 指走廊,通道(轮船山的过道走廊为:alleyway)
9 \- I* u. i# E( i  (16) During the break, the student talked and laughed in the corridor.) X/ x- _3 g3 T/ s6 E1 E
  (17) This region has been the usual corridor of German attacks.8 C7 J+ w* W) O7 d# @: V
  10、aisle指教堂,礼堂,教室,列车,飞机,戏院或影院坐席间的纵向通道,走道。% n! e- O5 W& ?8 S
  (18) Aisle seats have more room for carry-on luggage.
% F6 `* N" ^) y2 e0 {  11、gateway 指大门口,出入口,通道。4 R' R/ {: ]9 l, {7 {* d8 F$ ?
  (19) New York is the gateway to the USA.
; F9 w) u0 N& ?* n. N  12、doorway指门口,出入口
4 h7 `% {6 O  w- ]* M8 R  (20) Don’t stand in the doorway.; B2 u6 h' I4 i7 E' P7 ^& D" @
  13、route指从一个地方到另一个地方的预定路线。% \9 E8 l7 k+ |
  (21)What route are you taking from Paris to Tokyo?( N3 o0 [; W: ~8 |- }# m
  (22)The car took the shortest route.

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