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[专四辅导] 专四常见词辨析:“喊”的方式

发表于 2012-8-14 11:20:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  cry, shout, exclaim, roar, scream, shriek, yell, call
: \) Z+ Y/ A/ Y8 |4 ~% {! ]( Z  x  这些动词的共同含义是“喊”或“叫”。# r0 |; N$ b' T/ J6 G9 a& n
  cry : 一般指因恐惧、痛苦、惊奇等而喊叫。: p; E( ]3 N; C% D7 c
  He cried that he had found the key.(他大声地叫喊找到了钥匙。)
( x, G- c% h% w& i% G* O0 k' k  shout : 指有意识地高声喊叫,常用于提出警告、发命令或唤起注意等。
) i, g) w8 L3 i3 i! S  She shouted to attract their attention.(她大声叫嚷以引起他们的注意。)" _! Z6 D! V2 k; w* G) h$ g
  exclaim : 多指因高兴、愤怒、痛苦、惊讶等突发感情而高声喊叫。
" x* y+ I- M1 `# `6 l4 r  She exclaimed in delight when she saw the presents.(她见到礼品高兴得叫了起来。)
- |% X2 L+ @8 Y& o  roar : 指发出大而深沉的声音、吼叫或咆哮。
, m! E" ^3 P6 U. V/ U0 @  Who dares to answer back when heroars like a lion?(当他像狮子般地咆哮时, 谁敢和他顶嘴?)2 G; b$ N( p  \. U8 d
  scream : 指因恐具、快乐或痛苦而发出的尖叫声。( @2 m5 b/ d: ?4 C! u  \- p
  She screamed that there was a snake under the bed.(她大声喊叫床下有蛇。)5 I# Q8 Y& I. F/ Y
  shriek : 指因惊恐、痛苦等或其它感情而发出比scream更为尖锐、刺耳的叫声。0 }) @' h4 ?) c: _; e. k" ]
  They were all shrieking with laughter.(他们都发出了尖锐的笑声。)
8 ?4 s' ~; h5 n$ m: F' Y  yell : 多指求援、鼓励时的呼叫。也可指因外界因素刺激而发出尖厉声音。4 F% j5 N: K' J- H0 D: C# b
  The crowd yelled when the hometown team scored a touchdown.(当他们自己的队得了底线分时, 人群高声呼喊起来。)" b9 B! t' e4 d. x2 x- B
  call : 指大声说话或喊叫,以引起某人的注意。/ @/ V5 c* Z( i. m0 C
  She called and called but no one came to her assistance.(她叫了又叫, 但没有人来帮忙。)

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