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[专四辅导] TEM英国文学复习资料4

发表于 2012-8-14 11:20:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Chapter Five English Literature in the Eighteenth Century, t! k: W. B" K! I1 @
  I.可出选择题有:6 C. d# M  ]: P1 B. f, M
  (   )  1. In the 18th century, satire was much used in writing, English literature of this age produced some excellent satirists, such as ____________
1 @2 ^* z+ {5 F: B4 ~) a  A. Swift    B. Defoe      C. Blake     D. Burns  [4 M/ Y$ U1 L3 P& I% D
  (  ) 2. In the 18th century English literature, the representative poets of Pre-romanticism were_____________5 D4 B. {& H- F1 x) P
  A. Blake and Wordsworth+ h1 [1 [9 j# _) R9 _
  B. Burns and Coleridge
' `3 [# a  ?7 h  C. Blake and Burns
5 [/ ^* _. ]/ [  D. Wordsworth and Coleridge6 `3 ^5 U# l9 t$ m4 F' L
  (   )  3. Which of the following information about William Blake is NOT true?
. G5 j- z& r; b3 H4 @# _. F  A. He was born in London, the son of Irish hosier.
4 s6 q4 q6 e# [5 x2 p# A  B. He was a poet as well as an engraver.0 b4 z+ H- {& |! q. w+ o$ K6 F
  C. His first book of poem was Songs of Innocence.: r- m# n' X: k
  D. His later poems are mysterious and hard to understand.) q$ `$ Q# l8 ^5 y5 D2 J
  (   )  4. The main literary stream of the 18th century was___________.
5 w; j0 a8 K- r: p- l  A. Romanticism
( A3 \9 ?( T; R/ [/ f  M3 t) w  t  B. Realism
1 @, T: X" c* }# V  C. Pre-romanticism
2 Y3 C+ w% N! G, f* q+ m  D. Critical realism
! U7 P2 m" M% c& Y3 `5 P) K  (   )  5.  __________was considered as “father of English Novel”.
" }2 h4 X: }$ C  A. Swift& P) x8 g+ T5 d; v9 `* z/ P. G
  B. Fielding
" m7 ?; G2 ]# r  C. Chaucer
6 i! w6 b- H5 C) \0 m) J  D. Jane Austin
! _7 H, r# l7 q8 ]  (   )  6. In 1704, ___________founded the periodicals “the Review”.
( h4 y& o! k2 a4 n! |  A. Swift   B. Blake   C. Milton    D. Defoe
( L0 u" D6 S; N0 \3 B  II.可出判断题有:
* C' N! R! u4 B9 Q# E4 T  (   ) 1. Pope established the heroic couplet as one of the principal English verse forms.
9 g% F% Y% ]! L3 j5 \, V9 B  (   ) 2. Burn's poems are largely based on imitation and revision of folk ballads of his motherland.5 J) M  i3 R+ w5 Y: n! y
  (   ) 3. Neo-classicism means restraint, thus it is unfit for the requirement of French Revolution, which aroused the age of Romantic Revival to unfetter spirit of humankind.( v' D0 e9 A+ b
  (   ) 4. Swift is known as a pioneer novelist of English and also a prolific writer of books and pamphlets on variety of subjects.& i, N$ J5 ]6 u2 s7 ~, ?; l2 n; H
  (   ) 5. The Houyhnhnms represent an ideal rational existence, a life governed by sense.
4 H& t% Z* [2 d+ g* v  III.可出填空题有:
6 U- C+ r* M9 B7 t  1. ________________is the glorious pioneer to introduce blank verse into non-dramatic poetry.
6 G8 x, ^& D4 q5 J  e4 e  2. People in 18th century believed in ___________and their watchword was “common sense”.
; G9 I0 e: f* ^6 X  V.可出术语有:
) U/ e; k8 d) O8 @. c; x4 ?$ p  Enlightenment

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