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[专四辅导] 专四热门话题新词总结(12)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:20:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  擦边球 edge ball, touch ball
- w; j, w# M6 ?/ X- h  擦网球 net ball& I$ ?' o& y1 h4 ?/ B
  财政收入 fiscal revenue$ y, \2 n+ o$ S
  采取高姿态 show magnanimity9 r0 D3 L3 U& N2 |( g) a
  菜篮子工程 shopping basket program
$ r* S5 m; ?) U& p; c  参政、议政 participate in the management of State affairs
  ], f( n( }: }# U# d( a; V& ?3 i2 z  沧海桑田 Seas change into mulberry fields and mulberry fields change into seas--time brings great changes to the world.
4 g& M$ Z; Y! s/ P  What was once the sea has now changed into mulberry fields--the world is changing all the time.
' C% _" c* M5 C, @3 |  仓储式超市 stockroom-style supermarket
8 C6 \9 g6 g8 K: w1 _. y& j  草根工业 grass root industry (refers to village and township enterprises which take root among farmers and grow like wold grass)
' u4 H, t- P; c. h( }1 S/ M  层层转包和违法分保 multi-level contracting and illegal sub-contracting0 y8 S/ G. L' T  o6 P4 k
  差额投票 differentail voting
$ n8 `. `% I0 H3 }  差额选举 competitive election
- O4 Z) h' P0 e8 A  茶道 sado
7 J% L" r8 g( d% K  查房 make/go the rounds of the wards
( p9 e& x. f& I  \3 q! {+ k  v  拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul& U; J* F! O, I+ t- ^
  拆迁户 households or units relocated due to building demolition
. b: @% i( T8 @3 O; H/ @" ]  搀水股票 water-down stocks (ordinary stocks that can be bought by persons inside a stock company or a business at a cost lower that their face value)
: [+ _+ i  _% d0 `5 q3 f" i, Z  禅 dhyana
& a2 ?2 U5 _9 m! M2 X- i  产粮大省 granary province& A) b9 q5 e4 H5 Y6 i
  产品结构 product mix* ^  x0 @8 x; b& d) ?
  产权明晰、权责明确、政企分开、科学管理 clearly established ownership, well defined power and responsibility, separation of enterprise from administration, and scientific management
; D5 G4 x' u. j  产权制度、产权关系 property relations; property order3 F6 `7 U3 l6 {
  产销直接挂钩 directly link production with marketing8 i) B) `" R+ z% a
  产业的升级换代 upgrading of industies
8 ?9 G, H) ]; k; U% D' u  产业结构升级 upgrading of an industrial structure+ _; P0 w/ ?0 n9 X
  长二捆 LM-2E
" t! V5 q1 u! d' r  长江三角洲 Yangtze River delta
+ d! T( D9 ]6 k. d1 n  长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共 long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment with each other and the sharing of weal or woe
: {1 Q& k/ m$ u, |8 N  长线产品 product in excessive supply
! {+ h" A8 K  U: R9 @  畅通工程 "Smooth Traffic Project": j6 B% J' o, k+ R$ o
  唱高调 mouth high-sounding words
2 B7 G' r# Z1 I- J0 |* `  超高速巨型计算机 giant ultra-high-speed computer9 |6 ]  w: N% n3 J  \4 A
  超前消费 overconsuming, excessive consumption1 [$ ~/ P6 m! _. S4 z; Y4 o
  炒作 speculation' o; m8 m- m8 t* T9 ^+ s- c
  彻头彻尾的反动政治势力an out and out reactionary political force: I% A- F+ P: g, M
  成份指数 component index. I) q* _- ~  s! t: l# C
  成吉思汗 Genghis Khan5 r% X- H* A% B$ Y
  成组技术 group technology
$ H2 V5 E' R& v. M1 f0 _  城市规划 city's landscaping plan; urban planning
( D6 E5 d7 i( D# h  城市中年雅皮士 muppie (一批中年专业人士,附庸风雅,矫揉造作cutesification,崇尚竟品至上boutiqueification,攀比银行存款bankification等摆阔作风,由middle-aged urban yuppie缩合而成), F9 s- b9 U/ o0 Z" M
  城乡信用社 credit corroborative in both urban and rural areas4 ~6 z& j& R3 C* w
  承包 contract with
3 m8 J+ Q" V5 k/ G# T9 f- z% [  承销商underwriter5 g* b8 D8 v, x8 ?
  吃大锅饭 egalitarian practice of "everybody eating from the same big pot"
1 j6 I3 u% F$ e  吃皇粮 receive salaries, subsidies, or other supported from the government
1 k8 F5 F0 Q2 a" q/ }1 _  重复建设 building redundant project; duplication of similar projects6 @* U: U& l8 F! U+ k4 h/ o
  抽杀成功 hit through
6 q0 x3 j, w& g- V  筹备委员会 preparatory committee- N& ]- g# G# R$ T; \) c+ t5 O
  筹资 raised capital/proceeds
0 K# R1 h4 e, ?. j4 ]% O0 A  出风头 show off;in the limelight; C7 p* ?" G2 U" |" o1 s
  出口创汇能力 capacity to earn foreign exchange through exports
4 u* R2 u+ Y! {3 L2 [  出口加工区 export processing zones1 {: n7 a: R( d: H/ Y" J9 b5 v) x
  出口卖方信贷 seller's credit on exports: R6 U0 P7 u( t$ w* r
  出口退税制度 the system of refunding taxes on exported goods; export (tax) rebate
5 n) b7 N8 u+ U4 K; i  出口押汇 bill purchased (B/P); outward documentary bill" O6 }# p# P, F" V4 g
  出口转内销 domestic sales of commodities orginally produced for exports$ }: _% B  i$ ?/ o
  出家 pravrajana; cloister( _7 H' }1 w6 k0 |! W! E4 Q8 ^+ b
  传销 pyramid selling;multi-level marketing
5 `" b' `0 |& g/ i* n9 g" X  窗口行业 various service trades  r4 }3 q" G2 W6 Z$ G$ V
  创建卫生城市:build a nationally advanced clean city
' Y! G4 u% z6 s9 _! W! j  创业园 high-tech business incubator; pioneer park
1 _& E! ^/ v2 M/ \5 p) ^+ z/ z! {  吹风会 (advanced) briefing  Q' G* v1 E2 h
  春蕾计划 Spring Buds Program- P) k, n& i2 f; J9 v$ O6 L  j+ d6 y
  春运 (passenger) transport during the Spring Festival* b% B0 C4 F5 u9 v: r" D
  《春秋》 Spring and Autumn Annals
5 A! c8 t( F+ A: g& ]' `) u) h  磁悬浮列车 Maglev train (magnetically levitated train), magnetic suspension train% q, n. U' d; p! J* ]5 Q
  辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new
8 ]* w$ N5 N: ~! _; u8 I  此地无银三百两 A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence.) @5 N3 ?6 `$ H
  次新股 sub-new stock
5 g! {7 s, S4 @3 Q2 q, P/ c1 U' G! A! M% @: F/ y7 Z8 W0 F; E6 S
  从粗放经济转变为集约经济 shift from extensive economy to intensive economy

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:20:46 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  粗放式管理 extensive management$ W3 R' V7 Z7 a5 R* \
  促进全球经济一体化 foster integration with the global economy. G1 t$ s; G2 q8 I
  存款保证金 guaranty money for deposits
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