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[专四辅导] 专四常见名词和介词搭配短语(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:20:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  21. arrangement for 对……的安排,如:
4 Z- q2 u; ^2 A5 m' w2 Q1 F1 Q7 J  We hatched all the arrangement for the dance.
, R, k2 o1 n: [& `# i: s/ x  我们为舞会做了一些安排。% Y+ A2 c; Q5 v! V9 B
  We are busy in making arrangement for Christmas.
, b5 L* L* b! I! o, @  我们正忙着做圣诞节的准备: |3 k& |7 v) J+ G# x; z
  22. attack on 对……的进攻,评击,如:
: M9 c# b9 S0 F# N  Ann then sailed in with a furious attack on the chairman.
/ W- G) g/ c+ [6 U& M0 o& s  安随後严词抨击董事长。& W+ T/ Q2 n5 d# i! X2 p
  She made a vehement attack on the government’s policies.1 V4 E& s- A7 s0 j3 f' L/ u
  她强烈谴责政府的政策。8 I& v6 i  ^6 y0 k
  23. attempt at 尝试,企图,如:
1 {7 G8 p  D9 o; \  A halfhearted attempt at writing a novel.. u0 b5 p) p1 Y1 H# X
. G  G- I4 n; K; T+ P( a9 c  My first attempt at a chocolate cake tasted horrible.
3 W0 Y0 ]5 z0 ], U+ A7 K3 s4 a  我首次试做的巧克力蛋糕难吃极了。: I  X: S" p, ]$ q2 _5 I
  24. attention to 对……的注意,如:
: y5 m* C2 |- ~6 f7 m6 l7 S  A teacher can’t give individual attention to each pupil if his class is large.
* J& b' @1 N+ q9 s  如果班上的人数多,老师就不能给予个别辅导了。
3 p- `3 m* K/ Q2 x9 T9 O) {1 x  I hope you will pay attention to this problem.8 F0 m5 A% d) Q4 H+ z4 T
- A/ }! E' K/ Y+ z6 N( N7 X  25. attraction for 对……的吸引力,如:
8 c; @$ j5 |* a$ F/ r  Do you feel any attraction for this book?
4 B& S/ h+ U* K7 M4 Y' h; ?  你感觉这书有什麽吸引力吗?
2 u/ z% X' u" w6 _  The television has little attraction for me.
/ |. C& S0 a: M1 G) `5 U9 z( d  电视对我没有什么吸引力.
% ]) Y  b& l9 @& _. }# J+ s  26. balance between ……之间的平衡,如:
8 J1 d* Q2 y. y  This teacher tries to strike a balance between work and play.3 W! n  B0 D" h8 x9 ^1 W7 m
5 @- Q, b' K# L  n* l  _0 r* [2 a- e; W$ D  Get the balance between two political force involve a lot of art.
/ ], c/ _9 K5 T4 ]1 z  达到两种政治力量之间的平衡需要运用很多计谋。
& F( u3 r# F) K9 O  u' `) R  27. barrier to ……的障碍,如:
; t% D+ B0 t, m: h, i) p  ^  Intolerance is a barrier to understanding.+ n. D# ^5 E$ m; b, W. U' H3 r
  Q+ r& n! w% R4 L: ]0 o) G  28. belief in 对……的信仰,相信如:
1 w8 D; }& ^1 H  Belief in a hereafter.
& n( a# t6 V0 F% U- F8 K; k  相信死后灵魂的生活0 z; R( I( }, q: |- B
  Belief in a personal God.
' B" b1 M9 A; g/ V* B& i2 s2 ^  信仰人神
) `) V2 G, b  x& O  29. candidate for 候选人,人选,如:/ Y8 [6 M; v# }
  He was nominated as a candidate for office.& g, h" T* G+ E0 z* R# g- r+ V1 h$ J
  他被提名为这个职位的候选人。. S1 C2 A( F) V+ a6 W  {4 ^
  The citizens criticized the candidate for not looking presidential.
% I& ]  p% f% ^8 K" v) h  市民批评候选人没有总统的样子。
9 [$ F" c% K9 ~# q/ r( R  30. check on 检查,阻止,如:
- S0 w6 ?7 }/ T' U  Let me check on your order.5 ~$ s) ]' k  [: L6 X( J3 z! Z
$ Q3 }7 H1 C8 \7 h  Don’t forget to check on your work.% E  |9 W; ^3 Z+ j/ L

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