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[专四辅导] 专四级听力:TickedOff;Close第12课

发表于 2012-8-14 11:20:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  在纽约上大学的Michael和李华今天在华盛顿参观名胜古迹。他们在对话里会用到两个常用语:ticked off ,另一个是close。" W# \0 j7 F; Z% b/ }
) S4 h$ N  w0 [, [+ q  M: Yeah, I saw that. Crossing the streets in New York and Washington is dangerous. But getting ticked off about it won't do you any good.
7 I6 _5 F1 O6 ~8 W1 p/ `, e) P- U  L:对,在纽约和华盛顿穿马路是很危险。你说什么对我没好处?Ticked off?
  g  i9 Q" f- N5 e5 O  F3 A- G: |  M: Yes, Ticked off means to get angry or annoyed at something. Getting angry at the drivers will not do you any good.
" D! e0 m  ?' X; h; T/ P  L:噢,ticked off的意思是为什么事情生气。你刚才说的是我对开车的人生气没有什么好处。看来让我ticked off的事还挺多。
" k6 R. W: P& Q  M* i+ g4 N# I! P  M: Yeah, like when your boyfriend broke up with you right before we started classes.
. Q0 b# o+ a; Y' i& _7 C  L:你还提醒我这事!我以前那男朋友刚开学就跟我分手,当时我真的非常生气。不过,Michael,我觉得你也很爱生气。5 X6 h0 B7 T( W8 m! [
  M: Well, I got pretty ticked off a few days ago when the professor gave me a low score on the exam.
& ]' G- A+ n! _; Z0 H2 ?7 N# e  L:对,和你同班的中国同学王光告诉我你那天非常生气,因为那个教授给你的考试判分判得很低。Ticked off这个说法很好,以前我就知道用angry这个字。
9 T" f: w) F4 _$ C; G$ p; D, b  M: Hey, are you hungry? We haven't eaten in a while.
! l, M1 H3 i, u  L:刚才好生气,连肚子饿也忘了。走,去吃点东西吧!: N' a1 J8 r" Z- R1 n5 f/ \+ U
  (Michael和李华吃完饭以后)* ]- U! j# y- ~% d
  M: Now that we have eaten, let's walk to the White House. It's not too far from here.! |4 X& y  J1 N* {
  L:到白宫去?太好了,除了照片外,我还没有看到过真的白宫呢!9 G% @1 p% m  a8 m% s4 l
  M: Watch out Li Hua! Get back!
0 y- A0 A1 Z# {7 I& Z/ l2 V: j  L:哟!我的天哪!我的天哪!真吓死我了!我以为这下我可完了!: y- s- c# n3 A& b1 E
  M: Oh, my god! Are you okay? Geez, that was really a close call., ]: ^. o( O; b& ~0 E
  L:Michael,我都差一点被车撞了,而你还在说什么close call,这跟打电话根本没有关系!
' t& T2 K5 C/ [# I  M: No, that's not what I meant by close call. I meant that the car nearly hit you.
" T% \, N' h2 v) Z) N5 ?  L:对啊,那车差一点就撞上我了,这就是close call?' H: m, @$ \+ J2 i! r
  M: Actually, Li Hua, close call means that you narrowly avoided danger. Something bad could have happened to you, but you narrowly avoided a bad situation./ M2 w" f& H2 \  f+ |
  L:原来close call就是说,差一点发生倒霉的事,我算是逃避了这倒霉事。我可以说,今天我差一点没被汽车撞了。对不对?. @5 P& Z' x# L' k3 P/ L! H" x
  M: Yeah, that's right.3 R& h. w" o$ o- v, Z- R! c+ w" G
  L:那close call是不是一定用在跟生命危险有关的场合呢?! T5 a4 G9 Y5 U- a/ e4 |, X# n$ Y
  M: Not really. Let me give you another example. The paper you and I turned in this week was almost late. That was also a close call.# j' m) X: D9 q$ T1 o8 u
  L:对,那个教授让我们在星期二前把学术报告交给他,我们是星期一晚上去交的,差一点就过了限期,这也可以说是close call。下回我可再也不敢这么做了。$ P" F9 D6 d' D- [7 e
  M: Here we are! The White House!
6 A6 s: [. Y3 C  L:太好了!白宫到了,那我们赶快走把。" N0 v+ J4 Y, r
  今天Michael 和李华在对话中用的一个常用语是ticked off,意思是为了什么事情生气;另一个是close call,意思是差一点没发生倒霉的事,或是差一点完不成该做的事。

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