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[专四辅导] 专四级听力:KeepCool;ScrewUp第13课

发表于 2012-8-14 11:20:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Michael和李华已经从华盛顿返回纽约。今天是星期六,他们一起到纽约的Meadowlands去看冰球。Michael和李华这两个大学生,一个讲英文,一个讲中文,旁边的人听起来很奇怪,可是他们自己已经习惯了这种方式。今天他们在谈话中会用两个常用语:keep cool和screw up。1 ^1 |+ I! M( n/ T' R5 @
  L:Michael,谢谢你带我到Meadowlands来看冰球,Meadowlands可是有名的地方呐!而且我从来还没有看过冰球呢!' E: T1 k) v0 c/ l& A
  (Starting buzzer)2 w  n/ T% k/ C$ u( n
  M: Sometimes these games get really rough!
7 o" N5 u- m* ^4 b' R  L:我也听说了,他们说冰球比赛有时很粗暴,经常会打架。" T- G, u3 H+ U' c! y- t3 ~! W/ @/ H6 r
  M: Wow, look at them! It's only five minutes into the game and they are already pushing and shoving.
  X+ X1 Z( H6 j6 B2 N; j, k( Q  L:是啊,他们已经开始推推攘攘,真的打起来了。人们都说冰球比赛有时会很粗暴,但是才开始五分钟就打架,这可是不多见。3 m- _1 }! X2 P7 P9 P9 U
  M: Yeah, they really need to keep cool out there.0 X7 E" P. g: i: _6 N, H( q
  L:Michael, 这是冰球,在冰上打球,当时是冷的咯,你在说什么呀?2 d" G6 i0 B) @
  M: Li Hua, that's not what I meant. Keep cool means to calm down。Keep, means to hold and cool, meaning cold.' S' C0 L! h3 o* k2 e9 N. j! l: G- `
  L:噢,keep cool就是要冷静一点,你是说这些球员不要火气那么大,需要保持冷静。对,他们要是老打架,最好的球员就会被禁止打球的。
& q: G7 N: s- ]# s, y& h# g4 a  k  M: Yeah. Another example, remember last week when you got into an argument with the professor over your mid-term grade?2 B9 I- f  c. U- I8 V* J
  L:我才不会忘记上星期的事呐。那个教授给我期中考试打那么低的分数,我当然要跟他争嘛。$ v" J6 r' \- {! ?: u6 l# h
  M: Right now Li Hua, you need to keep cool.
8 k% |! g+ L5 ]/ R/ q  L:是,一说起这件事,我就会生气。得了,得了,不谈这个了吧!% n. \7 n* N/ i, t7 i
  M: I can't believe how poorly they are playing.' D- o9 n( n3 a: e- n9 {5 N3 F
$ I7 o9 l! Y/ _# h, U5 j7 @  M: Yeah, they have really managed to screw up this game.
5 ^3 u( J$ ?, w( {) i6 c# W5 z  L:“Screw up”,我不懂,这是什么意思?3 w) I5 e# A( i* v$ h
  M: "Screw up" means not to play well. The home team is certainly messing up.! m- f- \; e; {0 U5 t3 Z
  L:噢,“Screw up”就是打得不好。
: j; d: Y9 e5 Z& x1 l, i; b  M: "Screw up," it means to mess up.+ U; z5 q; A) D: z0 _8 @9 \
  L:是不是只能说打球时,或参加运动比赛时犯了错误?9 p# r" {4 D1 p% F6 S* Q3 h0 v' _5 b
  M: No, it can be used to describe a lot of things. For example, I screw up on tests all the time.
, [9 c: ~8 _( i% ^: t4 e  L:噢,你考试老考糟也能用screw up来表示呀!这么说,“screw up”可以用的范围很广。要是说一个人工作没有做好呢?9 W% a$ L- ^! x
  M: He screwed up at work.
" Q' |1 R% R1 i! v9 ^! |7 w+ z  L:你老是和别人的关系搞不好,也能说是screw up吧?
5 F$ {# H& Q" K/ ^* g3 e  M: Yes, that's why I don't date anymore. Because I screw up all the time., D3 ~8 N- f+ D. q' c' t# c
  L:原来是因为老跟别人搞不好关系,所以你就不交女朋友了。Michael,你也别跟自己太过不去了。# D1 Y" _7 V+ k+ q
  M: I do screw up a lot; I make mistakes all the time.
$ y7 l3 i- V. E- b  L:我们都犯错误的,谁能不犯错误啊!" V! j5 h5 S  u) H! F9 W  {  E
  M: Look, they are playing like that! What is wrong with these players.
' g8 A/ ~6 N7 g" v  L:嗨,这些球员真的很糟糕,你看,他们已经输了四分啦!7 Z% h& Y; [' A3 a
  M: I hate this! They can't manage not to screw up tonight.+ D' o: }) R  L6 k/ Y+ Z- k
  L:Michael, 尽管他们screw up,我们还是要keep cool! 也许还有希望扭转局势。9 Y/ r7 Z, N  p# I
  李华今天从Michael那儿学到了两个常用语,一个是:keep cool,意思是:冷静一些,别太激动;另一个常用语是:screw up,意思是把事情弄糟了。9 ]; z$ u8 u2 n% t# t

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