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[专四辅导] 专四应试技巧语法词汇篇辅导3:关于dare的意义和用法

发表于 2012-8-14 11:20:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  关于dare的意义和用法1 M7 h$ v! i/ y% l7 `) u
  作为情态动词表示“胆敢”,dare通常只用于否定陈述句和疑问句。例如:% v: U$ @/ a- }, {6 s
  i dare not go there.9 y! d9 r+ L% y) t. x
  how dare he say such rude things about me?; w+ \4 ^, ?6 C9 J
  dare作为情态助动词没有过去式形式,其否定式为daren’t,既可指现在时间,也可指过去时间。0 k7 t4 o2 _7 g" Y# j3 D" v
& ~* d8 W" A/ ^5 Q3 P  tom wanted to come, but he daren’t.
( V; m4 \9 B+ N0 @5 L1 a3 L  dare还可用主动词,随后的不定式可带to,也可不带to。例如:
' G8 ^, Y& V6 f+ \! W. u* m  he does not dare (to) answer.$ [' l( D3 q+ V4 K: S7 N9 k
  does she dare (to) go there alone?
6 ?( ^  C6 [2 \  近义词辨析
% Y& s0 D) C% U9 I6 g2 R" d8 o; K  besides, but, except, except for% l1 l. e2 n, p3 Y& }8 c; r' w
  这组词均含有“除…外”的意思。7 b9 x5 M9 D- L
' L& \1 t8 F* n  A  “除…外,还有…”,指更进一步的拥有,包括所“除”事物在内。9 ?$ R# {# y9 A9 F2 ^. ?5 ?
  have you got any clothes besides these?除了这些衣服你还有别的吗?
0 k$ n* e! o0 n- J6 I  but. D' Z$ p3 i. V5 H/ ^$ m1 S1 s
  不包括所引事物在内,多与nothing, not anything, nobody, nowhere, all, anybody等连用。
7 q2 O8 N5 S$ }7 [8 R  he has nobody but himself to blame for that.那件事他没法指责别人,只能怪他自己。
8 p* o6 q, h- b1 L) s  except
) s# o; m/ B) V! B) \$ T* G+ O' e  不包括所引事物。常与no, none, nothing等否定词或all, everyone, everything等连用,但不可用于句首。
! T2 L5 _4 ]6 |6 ]1 n' q  they all went to the summer palace except one.除一人之外他们都去了颐和园。
: D9 c$ d" a: i$ c( y# U, Y  except for! Y1 S' @9 B+ s! _2 x
  常指除去所引情况让人稍感遗憾之外,整体情况尚属理想,被除去的事物与正在谈及的事物之间不具有共同属性或性质。) `5 [6 t9 R- t3 y' r
  the roads were clear except for a few cars.除几辆小汽车外,路面很空旷。

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