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[专四辅导] 专业四级英语语法辅导:引起倒装的前置状语

发表于 2012-8-14 11:20:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Test Thirteen' m6 z9 F$ T, q4 ?) y2 O
  引起倒装的前置状语  W: b& {. e, K# y2 C( d  p1 N; {# z1 ?- v7 D
  当句首状语为否定词或带否定意义的词语时,一般引起局部倒装。这些词语常见的有:never, not for one minute, no longer, on no account, no more, nowhere else, at no time, hardly, scarcely, rarely, not for nothing等。例如:& ?5 }6 X5 k! A) H# H7 S% l, o
  Never have I found him in such a good mood.
) t$ O, V' @/ d3 R2 {' _' H  句首状语若由“only+副词”、“only+介词词组”、“only+状语分句”构成,也可引起局部倒装。例如:7 R/ b' C; \: A! T  k, y
  Only yesterday did he find out that his watch was missing.9 K: `  J) j( l6 M
  以关联连词not only(but also)和so(...that)开头的句子,通常引起局部倒装。例如:4 d& w3 B: H; g# S. H
  So small was the mark that I could hardly see it., G3 _, c, ?; h/ U' U
3 G+ j& H$ Q& B! P+ |  gaze, glare, gape, peer, stare
- d* ]1 |( Y7 V( `% T" n) b; q  这组词均含有“注意地或专注地看”的意思。6 L' h" ?1 v& x0 r/ n
  gaze, S2 z3 I0 X2 R# N2 d: K1 j
  指长时间目不转晴地看或凝视,常用于表达惊奇、羡慕或心不在焉的心情。/ S& p! w; X3 C+ \% y6 t4 y: g, |
  We gazed at the rough sea lost in thought.我们凝视波涛汹涌的大海,陷入沉思。
7 q3 m( Z  S" d2 A: Y3 f( l8 m: B" Y  glare
% }2 l, [& Q# b0 G" J, _  指怒目而视,敌视或仇视。
1 [2 ^% ]" A) }  v( K  People glared at the man who had assassinated their premier.人们愤怒地瞪着刺杀了他们总理的凶手。% N; b- s! v) s
, Q: x$ `% ~* r& K9 U  指目瞪口呆地凝视,常有发呆的意味。  H+ \3 O3 s/ D) p, ~7 C
  Tourists gaped at the animal keeper feeding meat to the lions.游客们目不转晴地看着饲养员给狮子喂肉。
, z5 o) F+ z' e, V* D2 F( M  peer
% i! d. M" l0 n# n/ n5 w+ `, |: e  指眯起眼睛窥视。
4 v/ @$ ~  Q! p; s' u  The detective peered into the room through his binoculars.侦探用望远镜向屋内窥视。
3 ^  l6 k9 F" z# b8 l0 M9 ]( {  stare% u% y- {; H( W) ~
  指睁大眼睛看,带有好奇、猜疑或傲慢等含义。- X" E' }" S! f
  The girl stared at the beggar instead of giving him some money.小女孩冷冷地盯着乞丐,没给他钱。

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