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[专四辅导] 英语专业四级辅导:词汇与语法全真模拟练习27

发表于 2012-8-14 11:20:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. The new washing machines are __ at the rate of fifty a day.5 M. g. ^$ O7 d& [
  A turned up8 G4 A7 P, I( c$ H, [
  B turned down
2 g; p( ~; i  R# I/ Y% X9 m  C turned out
# O0 h1 x1 `+ x8 X2 q  D turned in& L5 \* h2 o' m( m% s9 Y) N
  2. The newly-built Science Building seems__ enough to last a hundred years.
; |& j* S  a  ~0 k5 @* e  A spacious
* V) W' S7 s; M2 n; H  B sophisticated
! L; X( h& R/ c9 a- h3 ?* O  C substantial. x1 f2 U. Q( x9 |
  D steady
4 O7 A. K$ S/ S. J+ a2 Y  3. The newly-elected president is determined to__ the established policy of developing agriculture.4 U2 x0 y- d. U( ?5 S" l" @
  A go after
9 \/ I- H( M: U' J8 G  B go by
2 k! i, f1 c) L0 w5 }$ g1 K  C go for
* i  T7 \% F/ J0 O+ b/ b1 I8 i  D go on
8 A) ?4 l; \1 g# R3 f. X& }  4. The newly-published book has added__ his reputation.
" m$ h5 P3 h' o  A in
: J3 _" E( N; O  B to
) Y4 w/ l1 y1 v- Z3 J8 L5 _6 H  C on; \! l- \9 u, c- @) b) k2 p/ Q
  D up
2 o, _  v9 I- A( u8 y  5. The news item about the fire is followed by a detailed report made__.
7 ]# A8 p4 L: F5 Q) T! D  A on the spot% M3 B* N# \$ l/ F& V  X0 z
  B on the site
) V! J: ]1 `/ h1 Q5 j$ N  C on the location2 G1 l! p! }) O# Z3 a. _# u! ~
  D on the ground
9 E9 l* E4 V6 }/ d+ |% L; h' ^7 B  Keys:1-5CCBBA% S$ q; }, w& d' u5 G
  1. 选C译文:新洗衣机的产量已经达到每天50台了。   我要收藏 ' j" E' N, g; }( S0 s: k7 A
  ①turn out 生产,培养出This factory can turn out 100 cars a day." T: I2 d% ~% V, Q$ L
  ②turn up发现The police have turned up a lot of new information about the wanted man.7 t& z* i4 s( R9 g. j* {) F
  ③turn down拒绝The boy wanted to join the army but was turned down because he was under age.1 ~2 k+ f0 l( l- H8 R) I
  ④turn in上交These papers must be turned in before Friday.7 b# X/ y. B, y% a$ j" l+ v$ N
  2. 选C 译文:那栋新科学建筑物看起来很牢固,好象可以屹立一百年不倒。
* p5 k  {/ U- C8 t: u1 H  ① substantial牢固的,坚实的It is a substantial desk.  _' p6 W# P) g! n& G- O- |
  ② spacious广阔的,宽敞的The guests are all seated in the spacious dining room.
) W* v5 n+ Q* Z* d& K  ③ steady稳定的,可靠的Hold the candle steady.% h& L6 _  z3 u- ?% O
  ④ sophisticated 复杂的
3 j; Q0 J* y- X; J2 Q) l) ^  3. 选B译文:新上任的总统下定决心要依照政策推进农业的发展。$ j. X1 K: V& z9 ]
  ① go by 遵照,依照That’s a good rule to go by.+ I; _9 l9 F* _, A, Z9 ]1 [
  ② go for去找,去请Shall I go for a doctor?1 c) z) \/ O/ A& l2 z1 a: X
  ③ Go after追求( p4 |7 Y$ S& l! L* n
  ④ Go on 继续
! h$ l# Y6 F, T  4. 选B译文:他的新书提高了他的知名度。. O% r, j+ V% h8 b+ X
  ① add to增加,加到……上The gorgeous costume added to the brilliance of the dance.& _- f$ C: u9 r! J8 S) q
  ② Add in包括,加进去Don’t forget to add me in.
% M9 A1 z; F/ o' _! L6 n  ③ Add on包括,附加 Here’s your bill, sit. I’ve have added on the ten percent service charge." i( ^- U" k% e1 N- @/ [
  ④ Add up把……加起来 Add up these figures and see if the sum is correct.! C' f' B- Q. e) [9 L) W. G
  5. 选A译文:紧接着火灾的简略报道之后是更详细的现场报道。! n+ p8 ]: p! Y; F; [- x
  ①on the spot在场,在现场的②on location在拍摄外景Don’t interrupt the director. He is on location.

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