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[专八辅导] 专八辅导人文知识冲刺(四)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 _/ o) D- m7 j1 G+ G  1.The national epic of the Anglo-Saxons is ____.
  q- g, V  s$ P: w  A Robin Hood B Sir Gawain and the Green Knight! o, x2 C% q! N6 X) I
  C The Canterbury Tales D Beowulf
+ H. J1 r; U+ t) x: q5 `4 p! X  2. ____was the most outstanding single romance on the Arthurian legend written in alliterative verse.' @; o( S. D& e2 w5 V
  A The Canterbury Tales B Piers the Plowman
) [) G; z( f. q1 j  C Sir Gawain and the Green Knight D Beowulf2 S; A1 u, Z* Z. t4 S- T
  3. ____was the most famous for The Canterbury Tales.# t" k/ x2 }! C- S5 J3 L( R
  A Geoffrey Chaucer B John Milton
4 u( P$ Q/ ~/ I9 I+ E2 N  C William Shakespeare D Francis Bacon0 W7 c, c: w4 r# v: l0 ^& Z
  4. Most of the ballads of the 5th century focused on the legend about ____ as a heroic figure.. ]+ p% v; J; K% y# E
  A Green Nights B Gawain/ n7 m$ F) r" w; `( T4 `
  C Robin Hood D Hamlet* l+ d3 c: i  e5 y" M
  5.In the 16th century, Thomas More’s work ____became immediately popular after its publication.# [: B9 @% @3 X: L6 U) h
  A Paradise Lost B A Pleasant Satire of the Three Estates( S" L0 ?/ M$ M+ p6 o; Y
  C Of Beauty D Utopia  b+ I) L& a! E' |' y
  6. ____was Edmund Spencer’s masterpiece which has been regarded as one of the great poems in the English language.  t" z8 A3 ]# r& \5 Y
  A Amoretti B The Shepherd’s Calendar: ^' L/ m: z' a+ m: a
  C The Faerie Queen D Four Hymns
# E# `0 |8 L3 N- B6 O/ P5 Q  7. ____ is from Shakespeare’s sonnet No.18.
! z. e3 Y' E7 O( q( X" @2 r% G9 \  A “Let me not to the marriage of true minds”; i5 d" @1 C+ U& Z
  B “To be or not to be: that is the question”2 K0 J8 d& n/ V' K% `) }7 J
  C “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day”$ N+ C1 b8 W- C
  D “No longer mourn for me when I am dead”
0 s; k, ^5 ]" }( g% k- c* s: d3 Q  8. The vivid portrayal of ____ by Shakespeare in Henry IV has earn for him an enviable place in the history of English literature.  [* ]" @) e- V& u; l5 F& I
  A Julius Caesar B Falstaff C Hamlet D King Henry& p% o- g( }( d9 b+ _
  9.The four great tragedies written by Shakespeare are Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello and ____.: Y" o% @* G  l; z
  A. Antony and Cleopatra B. Julius Caesar
7 `5 \0 P6 j- N- Z+ N  C Twelfth Night D King Lear3 o0 ~3 [0 S; T! B
  10. Which of the following does not belong to Shakespeare’s romantic love comedies?) W( @+ \( N1 o
  A Twelfth Night B The Tempest
' \7 q6 M3 ]4 X! B3 O7 M# ~  R7 s  C As You Like It D The Merchant of Venice6 o* @, e  {8 L( Z8 w+ ~
/ Z& N8 e8 v: O& H4 i7 P  1.D 《贝奥武夫》是英国一部着名的英国史诗,也是英国文学中的一部重要作品,用古英语写成。
8 K* `" d5 u2 H( W# D  2.C 《高文爵士和绿衣》以亚瑟王和他的骑士为题材,歌颂勇敢、忠贞、美德,是中古英语传奇文学最优秀的作品之一。% Y2 N3 Z8 u$ \2 h  W. B1 O
  3. Chaucer被誉为“英国诗歌之父”,他的代表作是《坎特伯雷故事集》,它是以本土文学为主流的英国书面文学历史开始的重要标志。+ C( ~: e0 q- K" x0 {
  4.C 英国15十几民谣大部分是关于流传于英国民间家喻户晓的传奇人物罗宾汉和他的伙伴们的故事。民谣中的罗宾汉是一个仗义疏财,劫富济贫的绿林好汉。9 K: v" F% S( a9 c, s& e5 h( s
  5.D 托马斯.莫尔是英国重要的早期人文主义者。他的着作《乌托邦》勾画出了一个社会平等,财产共有,人民和谐相处的理想大同国。
/ F9 V* p$ Q; e  `1 v  W2 t; a1 Y  6. C 长诗《仙后》是英国杰出诗人Edmund Spencer的杰作,它是英国诗歌创作的典范。Spencer在《仙后》一诗中创造了着名的“斯宾塞诗体”,其影响深远。) r8 O2 K5 Q0 x; I( V
  7.C “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day”源自莎士比亚着名的第十八首诗。
( D/ {+ @; D/ {1 [- W+ J% x/ H- d  8.B 喜剧人物福斯坦福是莎士比亚在《亨利四世》中创造的一个为百姓喜闻乐见的不朽的艺术形象。福斯坦福是个50多岁的破落骑士,爱冒险又胆怯,喜欢吹牛又贪婪,说谎欺诈,浑水摸鱼,无所不能。同时他生性幽默,喜剧情节和笑料通过他的所言所行妙趣横生。2 i5 [- M  ~* r* k2 Y  t
  9.D 莎士比亚的四大悲剧一般指:Hamlet,Macbeth,Othello 以及King Lear。0 a; f6 W1 r* c& n$ i' V- J
  10.B The Tempest 是莎士比亚后期一部浪漫主义传奇剧,莎士比亚在创作中坚持人文主义理想,以宽恕仁爱为主要精神,期创作风格添加了不少浓郁的浪漫空幻色彩。

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