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[专八辅导] 每日翻译:韩国:无意帮助企业抵御外资收购

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  韩国:无意帮助企业抵御外资收购$ M( f  P( K( z
  South Korea reassures foreign investors amid rising economic nationalism+ N( @$ k0 R+ i. |' d8 B' A- k5 e
  韩国财政经济部长韩德洙(Han Duck-soo)表示,首尔没有引入防御手段帮助韩国企业进行自我保护的计划。
0 s  B8 K* L/ g  Seoul has no plans to introduce defensive tools to help business protect itself, South Korea‘s finance minister says.
. {4 g# o" Y/ ^5 G' M  韩德洙承认韩国的经济民粹主义情绪高涨,但他表示,政府将继续欢迎国际资本的流入,公平应用法律法规。
3 h' D* r$ ?/ P9 Z* d8 u6 w, x0 K  While conceding that economic nationalism was running high, Han Duck-soo said the government would continue to embrace international capital and apply the rule of law fairly.( b8 B8 y# I6 t
  韩德洙表示,敌意收购的威胁将使韩国企业保持警觉,认识到自己需要不断提高效率。4 S! L. H$ t* z
  He said the threat of hostile takeovers would keep South Korean companies alert to the constant need to become more efficient.
( w. w' }- u% E& L, x5 ~  韩国正经历一个不稳定的时期,外国投资者在商业领域发挥的作用日益突出,而这一领域曾是韩国家族企业财团和国营企业的领地。
, B  `  K: N2 k- p' I  South Korea has been going through an unsettled period as foreign investors play an increasingly prominent role in the business sector, once the preserve of family-run chaebol and state-operated companies.

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