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[专八辅导] 英语语言学笔记纲要(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Chapter 2 Phonetics
7 Q( _# L! I; r/ i- n; Q  d' _  l        What is phonetics?
4 J8 c9 Y0 e; I: E  U) ]  n        Phonetics is termed as the study of speech sounds.9 I' Y  b  d" X( g
  n        Sub-branches of phonetics
6 Y) F$ b1 }6 P' ^9 d# P$ v: S  u      Articulatory phonetics – the production of speech sounds2 w9 C' d% T& m& M
  u      Acoustic phonetics – the physical properties of speech sounds
+ Z  g  ]& v' O! L& M6 J2 V, k; B  u      Auditory phonetics – the perceptive mechanism of speech sounds
2 P) j) v: x/ ?* ]& e! b/ ]0 T; o  l        The speech organs0 M" |& K# s8 v3 |/ G; \" U
  n        Where does the air stream come from?
- U, t! K. N  K9 t  u      From the lung
. j" P' N. \+ }( p; H; \! U  n        What is the function of vocal cords?
& D" l! A2 D9 T* p/ ?  u      Controlling the air stream
! T$ U4 t% E$ P8 r; `) [  n        What are the cavities?
+ Q4 u) v" p5 l+ `5 F6 {; F  u      Oral cavity
" v$ y/ A3 H$ u9 n  u      Pharyngeal cavity
/ i. H. u. O4 o# e  A+ A/ o  u      Nasal cavity( k7 ]8 |8 J8 l
  l        Transcription of speech sounds
4 L% O) |* t9 S: o3 M* N" e  n        Units of representation1 O. t7 n* Y0 V: Z$ V  e
  u      Segments (the individual sounds)
. e$ h  C8 \5 z3 V8 z. X  n        Phonetic symbols' d: u9 [  |0 ]& W
  u      The widely used symbols for phonetic transcription of speech sounds is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).' P" T5 K+ m/ Y% [; c2 D" @- k
  u      The IPA attempts to represent each sound of human speech with a single symbol and the symbols are enclosed in brackets [ ] to distinguish phonetic transcriptions from the spelling system of a language.
- b8 j& Y. P( Z$ x. ^  u      In more detailed transcription (narrow transcription) a sound may be transcribed with a symbol to which a smaller is added in order to mark the finer distinctions.
3 }, C. u  ?' M! h/ h  l        Description of speech sounds- r4 M% ?2 l- S
  n        Description of English consonants
* P0 G* o% M2 X* M) c% {5 l+ Y% o  u      General feature: obstruction
8 g) \: T4 _' j1 T, x# r! _+ P  u      Criteria of consonant description
+ E# I& Q3 w# ?5 V( o  l        Places of articulation: H& O, \% j" ^" ^2 f; H1 g  {  Y
  l        Manners of articulation2 M5 I& x# R6 o
  l        Voicing of articulation
, r5 a1 b* N- h  g! K& j0 q6 q8 W) I4 u  u      Places of articulation& p) k; d/ n/ [4 E& F5 D: p' z; p) o( `
  l        This refers to each point at which the air stream can be modified to produce a sound.5 r% z& G8 l  J2 X1 e
  n        Bilabial: [p] [m] [w]
) d' X. @/ D8 ~* D% P7 ]$ m( P  n        Labiodental: [f] [v]" p! E  ?* S" L& v1 ^# L$ G, |
  n        Interdental: [W] [T]
  O: I7 Z7 t9 M* w- S  n        Alveolar: [t] [d] [z] [l] [n] [r]) e. U% x% \1 r
  n        Palatal: [F] [V] [tF] [dV] [j]2 i. k' F% x7 n4 r) s
  n        Velar: [k] [g] [N]3 R; i! u/ p1 i0 W* ]" M' }
  n        Glottal: [h]

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:11 | 显示全部楼层


  u      Manners of articulation$ f9 C$ W4 d- ]$ Z, f2 U
  l        This refers to how the air stream is modified, whether it is completely blocked or partially obstructed.0 Y6 O' C7 Q6 I: t) P5 J  D
  n        Stops: [p] [t] [d] [k] [g]
) y5 ^2 F3 n9 h# M2 D  n        Fricatives: [z] [F] [V] [f] [v] [W] [T] [h]
% M. _1 }1 A9 k  p  n        Affricates: [tF] [dV]' V3 |# w% @+ s& T" L
  n        Liquids: [l] [r]
) F4 l6 s7 R3 g& y  n        Glides: [w] [j]/ ~1 A) |9 ^3 X* R, ]9 b4 |
  n        Nasals: [m] [n] [N]
/ ^: z6 V6 t' i! [9 x" I8 c  u      Voicing of articulation4 {1 c4 x6 N8 V5 L6 D
  l        This refers to the vibrating of the vocal cords when sounds are produced.
" \/ V8 A0 [' O2 u. u7 i- j  n        Voiced sounds
/ v% B' V. L: C% f& a- w$ i  n        Voiceless sounds' Z* R( W; u7 P5 `0 X3 D
  n        Description of English vowels
# Q* v6 [$ J& ^  T; \  u      General feature: without obstruction
% ]6 O( r. E4 ?* t/ |/ {' ]! W" d  u      Criteria of vowel description# Z, V( {& v/ @
  l        Part of the tongue that is raised+ U. c9 R$ \, X- ~- i4 J
  n        Front
6 [( T  Y' \: F$ V# f# W; V9 e. o9 V$ i5 `  n        Central+ q/ Q3 W7 N' w3 _# q' |. B0 ]
  n        Back
; W, B/ [/ K) \& s  l        Extent to which the tongue rises in the direction of the palate
! n: [5 u; I: W8 M+ m& T) C: i  n        High# e: N9 V1 K8 _  t0 j$ L
  n        Mid
4 r2 g3 F8 c) K4 v, X* @! u  n        Low) t' Q, f- p3 p, E' Z
  l        Kind of opening made at the lips
* ]( Z' O( ]# u) ~2 ?  x' F  l        Position of the soft palate. G+ @+ `8 j- s& X0 k$ _
  u      Single vowels (monophthongs) and diphthongs
6 {) j/ \& ]/ J+ _  l        Phonetic features and natural classes
2 d1 x/ G, T# H" c. i" v; e, @  n        Classes of sounds that share a feature or features are called natural classes.0 [- \! G" z1 k+ C( y
  n        Major class features can specify segments across the consonant-vowel boundary.% c( W9 n5 y6 ^( s5 M& w5 m3 @+ D
  n        Classification of segments by features is the basis on which variations of sounds can be analyzed.
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