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[专八辅导] 英语语言学笔记纲要(9)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Chapter 9 Second Language Acquisition (SLA)
2 Y: C. O5 f3 {( x0 {" N  l        What is SLA?
( ]- `# z9 Y4 L  n        What is language acquisition?5 `6 `/ R" Q" f0 \& M4 S
  u      The natural process of children’s language development.
! _: W4 }  y- K  u      It is different from language learning.
6 m7 Y( R! l6 z; @: P  u      Four stages of language acquisition9 g5 ?& K2 _0 Y
  l        Babbling – holophrastic – two-word – telegraphic1 B; M# r1 x. x" X% h) @0 h, \! Y
  n        What is second language acquisition (SLA)?$ o/ C- J' R; I8 y" }5 o8 `% }
  u      SLA is learning a language in F2 (the language being learnt) language environment.
" \" a& J6 p8 I7 ~% Q8 X  u      It is different from foreign language learning, which is learning a language in F1 language environment.8 G8 t' i) ]- U! Q& p
  u      The major difference is the environment.4 X% z0 J7 e( F4 d# I& T
  n        Foreign language teaching (FLT) and second language teaching (SLT)
$ O3 t" j' t8 U8 z/ [+ o* b: Y  n        SLA theory
$ H6 o, s) V0 Y0 H8 A5 ]3 ]  l        Factors affecting SLA7 \( \& b: C4 k. x  M# s
  n        External factors: social factors
+ ^0 k9 R! B: w' G: t  u      Social demand/ s- {% B. M5 q" y. {8 R
  u      Language policy! f- ]9 }& s  t& r! f3 S
  n        Internal factors: learner factors4 X  Z( R4 {- T  p- q. p
  u      Motivation! B* d; w* G( q3 F# m
  l        Instrumental
1 r: V) [" u- U  l        Integrative
4 `/ d9 E9 r+ k6 v/ A8 _  u      Age
/ e( c2 e8 b' k; b! F# s  u      Learning strategy
2 S( o; ~& I8 V  n7 K  l        Cognitive
" x# z) ]  s9 z0 Z( Z* d  R  n        Repetition
# B' y; y5 T, D6 G# I0 l  n        Translation
6 \# H3 r2 B; Q3 D$ o0 }  n        Note-taking3 ^/ {( F0 z  D. ?  ?: _
  l        Metacognitive2 a$ ?- S& |: c" @3 E
  n        Organizing( n* P: u9 m' F8 a2 p  `, V7 f' d2 d
  n        Self-monitoring, M. ^: ?* U0 C1 y- i
  n        Self-evaluation
$ T; T! G0 o/ j  U  u      Personality4 e- Z: B3 V9 N4 d/ k; d: Q
  u      Attitude
1 E0 ?7 z! l/ N% ~( ]! N- {  l        Analysis of learners’ language9 S& A8 C2 Q. T+ y+ y7 b
  n        Why analyze?8 I" p- {5 P8 [7 i- s
  u      Learners’ language provides data for research into the nature of the learning process. In order to gain insight into the process, researchers have engaged in the analysis of learners’ language.
* h/ o! i! b$ |! ]  n        How to analyze?0 R# H2 |* Y" D4 n% C+ s+ q1 V$ |" `
  u      Contrastive analysis
* W5 C9 T0 a/ X& \  l        Compare the target language with the mother tongue.
+ i2 p3 l. g5 _  u      Error analysis
& R0 \% |# D. ]9 U) N  l        Identifying errors, {) b2 a$ g& m) q# x5 H
  n        Errors are due to the fault in knowledge of the speaker, while mistakes are because of unsuccessful performance.
/ K4 t, X+ S0 [: X. d5 f  l        Describing errors
# V9 M5 }( }" t- E  n        Omission# c' T& ~+ V5 s4 {# g
  -         He came into _ classroom with a book in _ hand.
. ~3 y) U/ ]9 m  x3 m  n        Addition/wordy2 f+ }/ @; B4 k' ^
  -         My child goes to his school.
2 g* D9 I. ]0 S; e* y" g  o6 t  n        Selection$ a. D$ b/ l1 D
  -         I hope/wish…3 J+ N2 g3 M( b* g" N9 ^9 k
  n        Disordering
! K/ ~3 L5 o5 }8 m. ^/ {. a  -         I yesterday went to … (I, yesterday, went to …/I went to … yesterday)1 b3 h/ r6 |0 o; Z. u- c
  l        Explaining errors and analyzing reason
1 E7 b' [& d5 p, E; U4 s  n        Interlingual factors; [: n0 {2 F' _# E
  -         Mother tongue’s influence# _& b' k4 X/ O. M* g
  n        Intralingual factors

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:11 | 显示全部楼层


  -         Overgeneralization1 @! J& f* P+ W) d) o% w. W
  -         Simplification+ @2 b! d7 N. A% U5 U
  -         Cross-association* K( ?! V: k7 c! N
  l        Limitation for error analysis2 ~/ w/ X% Q9 [7 v# T  ?3 `! q
  n        Fail to see what learners’ language will be like if we focus on the errors.
1 n# Y2 W' ~6 p& v. E/ s% |  u      Interlanguage
1 L3 a: k' f3 x4 j4 @  l        Approximate language system
* [9 V* ]- |( P* h% P4 m+ J9 r  l        Transitional language
6 f/ ^1 z( L0 y/ [0 d5 S  l        Language transfer – to borrow language from L15 f# T/ a8 X  ]2 l6 b9 X/ O8 g
  n        Positive transfer: L1 does help! }7 N2 V0 p# [% u3 Q
  n        Negative transfer: L1 misleads
4 B+ `- [9 G7 n: W) L/ o% J  l        Learners extend patterns by analogy – overgeneralized mistakes (overextension)./ D0 q: F4 \' o" ~5 T5 k' Q
  l        Communicative strategy
; T2 U" l  Z: A  V4 ^  l        Explaining SLA
( ~% E/ [( k! [6 R; f& I& O0 g  n        Nativist theories3 G4 c5 ^: G$ {0 |. I  x
  u      Chomsky: LAD system+ V. \. m+ f) ^5 d0 e7 \; H: l
  u      Krashen: monitor theory- m+ H' A6 @0 |- _9 s
  u      Input hypothesis (i + 1 hypothesis)9 f- S9 [" Z1 u4 k- {- x: M
  n        Environmentalist theories/ J5 B* G) O& ?4 L! P1 \& w: D1 g
  u      Cultural awareness4 x; D) r9 d5 w! k1 U/ r0 S3 c
  u      Theoretical perspective (language outlook), V5 N$ k& A( K
  u      Confidence and competence
5 l, y4 U. C+ d  n        Functionalist theories
( b  C, L' z0 r$ ^1 y" b  u      Language use
5 S  h* j8 b* s* s& h* U  u      Communicative strategies (CS)
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