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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(二十六)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Why does the idea of progress loom so large in
4 u' x' Y$ s! q6 ]( C1 i  the modern world? Surely because progress of particu-
! T* }" T, D5 P% [# H  lar kind is actually taking place around us and is more
9 E/ }7 p, F, ?  n8 X) E7 M  and more manifesting. Although mankind has underg- __1__+ P( S$ ?! T3 c0 Z! _" K( q( _
  one no general improvement in intelligence or morali-
# Z1 m! j8 j2 l- {/ c2 h8 a6 E  ty, it has made extraordinary progress in the accumu-
; e6 }" C$ X/ d# {9 |3 _8 U  lation of knowledge. Knowledge begins to increase as __2__
% K* J5 C% M  o+ u3 O  soon as the thoughts of one individual could be com-
; G! K6 _1 l1 I: P& M  municated to another by mean of speech. With the in- __3__
' @4 j; V& T' K+ r3 x, J  vention of writing, knowledge could be communicated
+ f  V- y9 P! W7 u0 m2 R) e  and stored. Libraries made education possible, and
, k# f, }  Q0 m/ G/ ]; s  education in turn added libraries: the growth of knowl- __4__
$ r3 m; y- o1 M5 `- q2 c  edge followed a kind of compound-interest law,
. M" Q2 |* Z& {  which was greatly enhanced by the invention of print-
2 K6 `* J6 ~  w  ing. All this was comparatively slow until, with the  p5 @8 I8 a' l) K) V% P
  coming of science, the tempo was suddenly risen. __5__
9 x2 F* j0 t% {8 G0 Q+ Y  then knowledge began to be accumulated according to8 G& d7 D" U  ]& c, s
  a systematic plan. However, as soon as new knowl- __6__1 C3 s% L# @" M  {7 F
  edge is acquired, it is now turned to practical ac-5 H" I: ^1 a. k+ o
  count. What is called “modern civilization” is not the
1 a) t# d. P, M+ G# c  result of a balanced development of all man’s nature,
3 J( E2 m& X- y. u5 z) q  but not of accumulated knowledge applied to practical __7__2 F' V9 |" u: n2 P% V& w
  life. The problem now facing humanity is: what is go-
/ g' b3 A" O2 t3 P( _  ing to be done with all this knowledge? Like is often __8__
( X/ d" c. I( F7 N  pointed out, knowledge is a two edged weapon which! f  H% w! |# G7 i: [1 e! d
  could be used equally for good or evil. It is now being __9__8 `' g4 u; v3 [% o, v. @6 }3 p  q" E
  used indifferently for both. Could any spectacle, for
& ]$ n' U* d$ I" D  instance, be more grimly whimsical than that gunners __10__+ z$ i0 J% m+ U
  using science to shatter men’s bodies while, close at3 B* Y  R! j! N0 v9 G
  hand, surgeons use it to restore them.: o' Y5 A' r6 v) w+ D
  参考答案及解析:* Z9 G0 p* _  I% k) w) c
$ o$ s& @2 l9 Y4 H- K  manifesting不能做形容词,而如果把它理解成现在进行词,后面又缺乏宾语,所以应该改为形容词manifest,表示 “显然的,明显的”.
- b: |3 r+ J0 n' W3 c% v2 W" a  2.把begins改为began) h; G8 z: j" x2 w4 p: H
  根据下一行出现的could可以判断本句是过去时.3 h# w  L; |) ~1 g) T3 u# _
  3.把mean改为means. by means of 是固定用法.
: l2 ?" B4 }6 }: B, G" U  4.在added后面加上to( t" q2 b6 {) i3 m8 d# W* d/ R
  如果add后面不加to,此句就表示 “把图书馆加到某个事物上去”,加上to,表示给图书馆增加了内容,符合句义.
$ w& W! N% K8 P9 [8 e2 G$ T' B  5.把risen改为raised
! o( w8 A; x: m9 p& C  r5 q" [  rise是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态.; p3 R. K6 ~6 ^- x2 z2 ?
  6.把However改为Moreover8 U7 ]# k* D4 U
  此句的意思是:新知识一经获得,马上就得到实际应用.这是对上文的追加,不存在转折关系,因此应该用moreover.4 A# }. J( D6 ]  d! R9 N
+ c* z2 \- s7 J  8.把Like改为As
3 m0 i  \* r/ i* Q  9.把could改为can- O/ K1 b, h  B7 p
  主句为现在时,而从句也不表示虚拟,所以应该用现在时.6 a1 u1 |$ J( Y# H% o7 g
  10.在that后面加上of./ Q1 m6 f- \9 L" s
  为了避免重复,这里用that指代spectacle,后面的gunner using是that 的内容.因此应该用介词of引出.

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