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[专八辅导] 英语专业四、八级词汇表之专八词汇天天记5

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. stratan. level or class in society, pl. of stratum (社会的)阶层
, r( f, h: l4 Q3 R$ N. l* w  e.g.: a gathering of people from a variety of social strata
4 Y2 L/ m3 \6 [2 y  2. reconciliationn. the reestablishing of cordial relations or getting two things to correspond 和解,调和,一致) u  [$ ]& U1 i* I7 u! j5 U
  e.g.: the reconciliation of ideas, opinions, etc., e$ F' B2 d0 s$ e
  派生词汇 reconcile v. (使)和好 reconcilement n. 和好 reconciler n. 和解人
0 {% H+ a, f8 O  reconciliatory adj. 调和的
0 \2 l5 o2 F2 l- h: j  3. prorataadv.& adj. in proportion成比例
: j2 f* X, C# P1 ^% d+ S! ]  e.g.: If production costs go up. There will be a prorata increase in prices / process will increase prorata.7 y. C. L& Y# L, r( v
  4. fiatn. formal authorization, order or decree 谕,命令,法令8 q  Y/ v; R% x. d' g7 B8 Z: b+ j
  e.g.: The opening of a market stall is governed by municipal fiat.2 ?5 _, o  A% h6 G" \, ?
  5. complementn. thing that goes well or suitable with sth else, or make it complete 相配合的事物;补充物;补足物! W& w. y9 |$ l/ }7 S$ X# k
  e.g.: Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.3 f/ k2 Z$ O: y, a. k
  派生词汇 complementary adj. 补充的/ X/ r9 c4 t4 i4 a2 J
  6. ineligible①adj. not having the appropriate or necessary qualifications (for sth.)
' v! |8 g% d0 Z$ m  不合格的,无资格的* {. A; [& Q, L" g
  e.g.: Any person under the age of 18is ineligible for benefit.9 O6 r8 M& V/ ~7 z3 Z, _9 l( w
  ②n. one that is not eligible 不合格的人- Y! C6 M! L% N$ ?* E; W2 Q7 K
  e.g.: The ineligibles are those extremely poor people.
/ T& D3 ~7 I1 }  必背搭配 (be)ineligible for ; ineligible to do
; h) T  j: u) \4 D, W* J8 d# ~  派生词汇 ineligibility n. 不合格 ineligibleness n.不合格 ineligibly adv. 不合格地
8 s, g( d2 n" _& ?  7. curatorn. a person in charge of a museum, an art gallery, etc. 博物馆,美术馆等(的)馆长
( V5 f( V7 p2 X: e2 z8 k  e.g.: He had worked as a curator.
. O# c7 |& |3 ~  8. immunityn. ability to resist infection, disease, etc. 免疫力2 ~7 |+ u5 L* C* G% F
  e.g.: This vaccine will give you immunity for two years.: ^& `9 D2 h$ z
  派生词汇 immune adj. (常与against, from, to连用)免疫的;免受(伤害)的;(常与from, to连用)被豁免的 n. 免疫者 immunize vt. 使有免疫力,使免除;immunization n. 免疫作用$ w5 K$ i$ K5 ~. S" s- j- \4 m1 ?
  9. unmaskvt. Remove a mask from sb. 除去某人的面具
7 a0 M# u/ s& _5 D9 x' ~3 h  e.g.: The revelers unmasked at midnight.& v* A2 [$ D/ B6 c9 D' `/ H
  10. homosexual①adj. sexually attracted only to people of the same sex as oneself同性恋的0 G$ q% y) T! F: G  T
  e.g.: He has the homosexual tendencies.' y  h$ |, x% h, P  l
  ②n. a homosexual person; a gay man or a lesbian 同性恋者- {* ]- R! {. x: G
  e.g.: He is a homosexual.! l1 q' H$ o4 a" F
  派生词汇 homosexuality n. 同性恋爱
5 j' y) Q$ G5 }( ], J* F( i  11. seatbeltn. a safety belt used in a car or plane to hold you in your seat in case of an accident 飞机、汽车等的安全带9 [+ M0 c) g* p; v1 ~) {
  e.g.: Fasten your seatbelt!$ X$ s% A1 j" Y, s# A
  12. shoulder-strapn. narrow strip of material that goes over the shoulder to support a bra, nightdress, etc. 保护肩膀的肩带/ S$ f: |) X  l9 [' E
  e.g.: The dress’s shoulder-strap was broken.+ B! |- u. [0 l% E: s0 V
  13. enhancevt. Increase(the good qualities of sb / sth), make (sb / sth)look better增强某人的优点,使某人看起来更好4 I% I& w% n, O' l
  e.g.: Those clothes do nothing to enhance her appearance.: q9 m  \8 `& `
  派生词汇 enhancement n. 增加,提高
* @9 Z& ?) d) o. c3 y( w  14. overpowervt. Be too strong or powerful for sb by greater strength or numbers 强得使某人承受不住,以力量或数量战胜某人
; z% L! V% X1 e4 E  e.g.: The police easily overpowered the burglars.
5 o/ d  v7 l# Q8 z$ C  派生词汇 Overpowering adj. 不可抗拒的;压倒(优势)的;极强大的
  V6 j1 i) r( K( y0 p  15. ergonomicsn. study of work and working conditions in order to improve people’s efficiency 工效学,工作环境改造学(与单词动词连用)
% Z: D2 K( p* B* a# S. W6 s  e.g.: He is an expert at ergonomics.
8 j! h( T5 a) [0 H5 M  派生词汇 ergonomist n. 工作环境改造学家,生物工艺学家 ergonomic (ergonomical) adj. 人机工程学的,人与机械控制的; c+ i1 o4 f( g) e. \& V! u+ R
' Z( S6 U! z% C' {  He was __1__to vote, because he didn’t belong to the club.
6 }6 J8 z6 K+ s$ S) E$ r  The criminal wad told he would be __2__from punishment if he helped the police.# W' X; L, {7 I# Q: H6 r4 f
  __3__ activities are lawful in many countries.1 q) `# G. k4 C" w, u; T7 f
  She had sweetness to her face, a warmth that was __4__ by luminous dark eyes.
! Z: T* c) ~% n" _- g  T" \  __5__ is the applied science of equipment design, as for the workplace, intended to maximize productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort.; O0 @6 y2 {' |7 t6 ]
  The works protect against the privileged__6__.1 p3 h+ n1 {+ O3 ]' X
  A __7__ has been made between the two countries after the war.
$ ?( E' v8 X5 \7 J/ Y& X& [  The loss was shared __8__.
% v& {& {+ o2 n7 h( n  答案:
4 F" [, ]& ~" g( Y, `  1.ineligible 2.immune 3. Homosexual 4.enhances 5.Ergonomics 6.strata 7.reconciliation 8.prorata

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