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[专八辅导] 英语专业四、八级词汇表之专八词汇天天记6

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. condemnation n. An expression of strong disapproval; pronouncing as wrong or morally culpable 谴责,严厉指责  k+ ?6 B2 s% w: C+ L0 |
  e.g.: He deserved nothing but condemnation.
/ v. b9 v* f# d1 m  a4 j( Z  派生词汇 condemn vt. 谴责 condemning adj. 谴责的 condemningly adv. 谴责地 condemnable adj. 该罚的,该受谴责的 condemnatory adj. 处罚的,定罪的;谴责的
5 j! Y  X+ I& w, b1 g+ D' P  2. persecution n. the act of oppressing or harass with ill-treatment, especially because of race, religion, sexual orientation, or beliefs 迫害,烦扰
1 x6 A3 w4 q/ C  e.g.: They suffered persecution for their beliefs.6 O9 W! y9 h1 b. B2 \0 L" L
  派生词汇 persecute vt. 迫害,困扰 persecutor n. 迫害者,虐待者 persecute n. 受迫害者! p. H$ b# F1 `2 r5 J" ]" G
  3. pitiful adj. inspiring or deserving pity 可怜的,引起或值得同情的' W" f2 _, w" r( C
  e.g.: Their suffering was pitiful to see. 他们受的苦让人见了同情。
2 X4 e1 i4 H: O6 S6 L- P  派生词汇 pitifulness n. 可怜 pitifully adv. 可怜地
$ {0 f8 Q7 W/ z2 D; \' B  4. cleanse vt. To make thoroughly clean or purge of an ideology, bad thoughts, or sins 使彻底清洁;清洁或使(思想等)变纯洁" ?* ]  ~1 T2 A6 s  F# K
  e.g.: She felt cleansed of her sins after confession.
; o* p% g7 Q- M! D; j7 @1 y7 @  派生词汇 cleanser n. 清洁工人;清洁剂;清洁器
0 i5 `4 O% N2 D. V% x+ f  5. macaque n. a kind of monkey 猕猴,恒河猴,短尾猴
$ B; y0 E' m. u4 q) V  e.g.: There are three features of Japanese macaques.
2 H% e0 [  c2 l* }2 }1 `  6. retaliation n. action taken in return for an injury or offence 报复
% D8 y3 y+ ?: r* `2 M  e.g.: The situation is complicated by the retaliations of the two sides.& T5 d: T8 i4 w4 e, @: U- ~# g! o' s6 W
  派生词汇 retaliate vt. 报仇,反击 retaliative adj. 报复性的 retaliatory adj. 报复的- ^! t/ y5 V/ O: c  y: [' C4 ]0 n8 H
  7. analogous adj. partially similar or parallel; offering an analogy 类似的,相似的$ s* n6 D5 \' B  c% R
  e.g.: The two processes are not analogous.
0 b% c9 C7 ^) d! ~7 b' m8 ~4 |  必背搭配 be analogous to
- G: B: `8 M6 r# M1 A) m5 S  派生词汇 analogue n. 相似物,类似情况 analogy n. 类推,类比 analogousness n. 类似,相似性 analogously adv. 相似地
' c% f6 Z; w2 L- x  8. pecking-order n. a hierarchy among a group, as of people, classes, or nations任何团体中之长幼尊卑次序9 J) q! g5 w0 M9 y6 J4 H* L4 }4 M
  e.g.: Newcomers have to accept their position at the bottom of the pecking-order.! K8 s& E$ I5 q  f- U, S
  9. ethnologist n. student or expert in ethnology 民族学研究者,民族学家
- L( ?( q1 z/ ^' |% M) v& ]  e.g.: Amy is an ethnologist.
* J1 l  G" w. e8 q: G. D. s  派生词汇 ethnology n. 人种学 ethnologic(ethnological) adj. 人种学的: G8 H* m# O# D& f
  ethnologically adv. 人种学地
" d% _% r, s( [) V, ^7 F  10. correlate ①vt. to put or bring into causal, complementary, parallel, or reciprocal relation 使相互关联
- w) i  {7 o0 @* e5 E" E  k4 n  e.g.: I cannot correlate these two pieces of information.
) {/ ^+ i. w/ \, U6 A4 K  ② vi. to be related by a correlation 和……相关
& W% T; |) P, L; X  e.g.: The results of this experiment do not correlate with the results of earlier ones.
' n1 f/ n  P1 H+ h( R9 A8 S6 O  ③adj. related by a correlation, especially having corresponding characteristics 相关的,关联的
3 w4 ?, p$ S, P- a2 P  e.g.: The diameter and the circumference of a circle are correlate. 圆的直径与圆周有相互关系。8 t( }5 X7 v, |/ h
  ④n. either of two correlate entities; a correlative 相关一方,两个相对应的方面的任一方
/ O0 E6 Q# \3 @  ^7 q# y  G  e.g.: Scientific research requires a careful study of all the correlates.
- _$ t9 |: H' a- K. o  必背搭配 correlate with
% V4 t4 \9 j4 Y6 f  派生词汇 correlatable adj. 相关的,可对比的 correlated adj. 相关的
: M4 _2 `, a& l! |, S  11. predator n. animal that kills and eats other animals 掠夺者,食肉动物0 S* z# l5 y3 i  ^1 q' Y7 o0 }
  e.g.: Tiger is predator.
# Z9 T9 V4 o) ^  N0 n0 m8 t% U1 W  派生词汇 predatory adj. 食肉的,掠夺性的
, i1 e0 i" R$ i3 \  12.necessitate vt. to make sth necessary 使成为必要; p9 Z) F3 g- ?3 ~9 D- S
  e.g.: It’s an unpopular measure, but the situation necessitates it. 这是不得人心的办法,但是形势要求这样做。/ T. H9 {: L3 t& L! P
  派生词汇 necessity n. 必要性,需要;[常用复数]必需品 necessitation n. 迫使,被迫 necessitous adj. 紧迫的;穷的,贫困的
" {% C& M1 r) _  13. colossal adj. very large 巨大的! n' I% _, n8 L  }! F
  e.g.: This is a colossal building.& w% N" n  g4 c. [/ K
  派生词汇 colossus n. (pl. colossi) 巨像,巨人,巨物9 @5 [- ~& r+ t, U# x" H4 a8 w
  14. deposit ①vt. to settle 沉积# z# Z$ p: S8 k  ^- B$ w. r3 W
  e.g.: The Nile floods the fields and deposits mud on them.: Q) Z/ @8 Z  c& z0 ^$ U
  ②n. something deposited, especially by a natural process 沉积物
9 c- ?2 o9 g; V( {" z4 ?  e.g.: Valuable mineral deposits have been found in this region.
5 U/ Y+ Z- J! Q  派生词汇 depository n. 储藏室,存放处;受托人,保管人
& T; J+ `% g1 k$ Q7 z7 `# f  15. silt ①n. sand, mud etc carried by flowing water and left at the mouth of a river, in a harbor, etc.淤泥& j: _$ M8 n2 h7 A, X3 [9 y( K
  e.g.: The dam can prevent the deposit of silt./ p+ e3 J! f8 K& `
  ②vi. to become filled with silt 被淤塞,使塞满泥沙
% k" q# M9 V' F  e.g.: The old channel has been silted up.+ ^4 q/ N! t  K: y
  派生词汇 silty adj. 淤泥的,塞满了淤泥的( z( P) m" Q$ V5 k
  Exercise从以上单词中选出最恰当的词,填入空格内。) @0 K# }, y9 }: ]. e1 I- Z# e
  Purgatory is supposed to __1__you from your sins.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:11 | 显示全部楼层


  The Israeli army __2__for the Hamas bombing.8 ^4 q( s  U& c# K
  Human heart is an__3__ of the pump.% [) O( n! H% X2 i/ P
  The astronauts had developed a __4__that was military in its rigidity.% k$ T$ u$ H7 A; J
  Research workers find it hard to__5__the two sets of figures.. d& S' D8 p" w0 p5 Y: \) Y
  The pessimists consider the bourgeois society is a__6__, insensate world in which innocence and decency can prove fatal.
2 ^4 s- J" O3 ^6 p) B  The increase in population__7__ a greater food supply.
0 @; z5 N% q( N' O9 p  There remain the __8__ crumbling ruins of an ancient temple beside the left bank of the river.
8 `; B! c6 d( D1 \  If you evaporate a little seawater on a porcelain dish; on cooling, crystals of common salt will__9__on the sides of the dish.
7 @- Z4 a/ k( L  Z+ ~  River sediments gradually __10__ the harbor.
; C4 |6 G! i# G6 m% Q9 w  答案:, H: G; X$ A7 a4 F+ z- f1 D
  1. cleanse 2. retaliated 3. analogous 4. pecking-order 5.correlate9 J5 m7 ^+ f5 i, @! \/ y  U8 i
  6.predator 7. necessitates 8.colossal 9. deposit 10. silted
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