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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(四十八)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Humankind’s future safety and longevity of life on Earth largely
* F: T3 x( k# k3 {# E7 I% {# y7 ~7 R  depend on the environment which we live. Keeping the air we __1__. @( F$ v, K# W( Q2 e5 D
  breathe free of pollution is a major priority towards making this
6 }  k. C1 |! ^; O  earth a safe place. Other areas of concern are water, land, the ozone
9 e" d6 x* v; m. }7 t. ?  layer, and the preservation of flora and fauna of the planet.
* H! z4 o1 f; d  E" o+ L  Every country has ecological issues to deal. In South America, __2__
5 D, F/ A5 O5 g) J0 c& ^& L  the rain forests are rapidly disappearing as people burn and cut down
  O: r! _- L+ e% m- n! F  trees to make for farmland. Many Middle-Eastern and Asian countries __3__
* j2 k' @6 B2 D  have a battle to fight with air, water, and land pollution. Lakes1 H! ~; q' D2 N( F( I8 s
  and swamps are spread with debris. __4__
8 h2 h1 k# T; V8 F- U  Mass chemical spraying is used to kill pests on trees and plants. Abundant __5__* D4 [& E/ j6 l# ^
  use of water in countries as China has caused major water shortage. __6__
; O, M9 F) d) ?3 j4 Y  Rivers become polluted by factories and the populations that live; X* d9 R9 J3 o/ z) \% E
  on their banks. Global warming is considered a major factor caused __7__( a% c6 }& H# e# t( W
  the droughts in eastern China, the Sudan, Ethiopia, and northern Kenya.
* |/ V+ @9 o. |! G" g# Q  h2 v  The reduction of the ozone layer is blamed for the global warming trends6 M. F0 G# y1 G& I. |
  in variant countries of this globe, and the spread of disease like skin __8__1 `2 l+ j5 G, S$ m' T- K. {/ `# S
  cancer. Societies at large need to pay attention to the existing problems' l6 o  Z& Q2 J  m7 X, W
  in order to get of the imminent danger of famine, drought and diseases __9__
; F9 x) c$ T6 [4 k! ?- C) y  that rise from the damage that pollution causes. __10__3 X% s( b7 n  a: L6 i% G
  答案及解析:4 z2 a4 I' h% y# S; I9 I
: @. R1 M$ `. W9 |7 s) ]  此处的介词其实是和live连用的,live in the environment。* @4 Q: k. Z: c6 k  x  l( i$ }
  2.deal^-with: i( H1 Q3 h' p4 l# }. k
  deal with是固定搭配,意思是“解决,处理”。
, o7 w8 g* N" F2 J  3.make^-way
  j) L, `1 t9 F" }  根据上下文可以断定此处文章要说的是“人们烧,伐树木为的是给开垦农田让路。”make way for something。是“给……让路”,符合此处需要的意思。
* Z7 Y. [! l4 f, Y/ d/ w, Z7 U  4.spread-polluted/littered
* b6 P6 k7 y4 R: i, u  这里的关键是要知道debris的意思是“碎片,残骸等”,所以根据上下文这里的意思是“湖泊和湿地被一些碎片残骸所污染或弄得凌乱不堪”才符合逻辑。
6 O3 C2 J, h( u( O: ^  5.^Abundan-the: ~4 N3 M1 `) T! Q0 L
  此处不是泛指,而是特指,所以要有定冠词。; q! m, {0 A5 l3 j  [# w
  6.as-like7 b) d( S# r9 t5 s7 N; S3 Z$ N
4 b0 _% |9 N6 ?$ t9 ~; n  7.cause-causing2 a% `5 o+ P1 P- D) j8 t
  此处定于分句是主动的意义。  t) L0 u# b+ `' i
. D. ?2 |8 _1 H+ P  variant是“变体的,变种的”,而various表示“不同的”,符合此处意思。& a. z! ~8 g5 z4 Z, y+ W. P
  9.get^of-rid) h) I2 C# P* w
  固定搭配get rid of 是“摆脱”的意思。# V1 p. K( \4 j  |! e0 w

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