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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(五十五)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Culture in general is concerned about beliefs and values on the __1__9 \' `% n4 Q' N* U* C3 [
  basis of which peope interpret experiences and behave, individually2 I  Q. e6 k6 j: l
  and in groups. Broadly and simply putting, "culture" refers to a __2__0 H, N% c9 ]& R- P: a1 o
  group or community with that you share common experiences that __3__
+ ~/ B* G- y. C- U% }+ e: z4 W$ r! n  shape the way how you understand the world. Culture is the "lens" __4__
$ x' ?8 j) T7 a  x/ d( H. f  through which you view the world, it is central to what you see,6 I# C5 M3 d& e; t
  how you make sense of what you see, and how you express yourself.
/ U+ r5 {3 a8 J  Culture is often at the root of communication challenges. Exploring
0 G2 p- f: c& c3 K" T) A! Y% V  historical experiences and the ways in which various cultural1 x  {4 c5 C( ^; b
  groups have related to each other is key to open channels for cross- __5__
) S; |6 Y8 x: b5 N" e5 s  cultural communication. Becoming more beware of cultural differences, __6__
" w) q9 P+ u! j% W& r% M1 R) Y  as well as exploring cultural similarities, can help you comminicate, s, p7 S1 m# a
  with the others more effectively. Next time you find yourself __7__% q7 |% B+ Q3 t% r
  a confusing situation, ask yourself how culture may be shaping your __8__5 Z, ^3 v0 M% |
  own reactions, and try to see the world from the other's point of
7 y5 s- x- ]; N2 v- h* L* ]  view. Anthropologists discovered that, when faced by interaction) C) U6 i- S/ V# E- {( p
  that we do not understand, people tend to interpret the others
& M& U+ v$ W. Q- ^. p9 ~* x0 @" t  involved as "abnormal", "weird" or "wrong". Awareness of cultureal
; I+ l; ^" q8 ]' [  differences and recognizing where cultural differences are in work __9__
* q* H& Q. L9 ]$ G# q  is the first step toward understanding each other and establish your __10__) ]" k7 Q4 N/ J2 y, H$ L, {
  own assumptions about the "right" way of doing things and as a
; l) }; I6 W) k  chance to learn new ways to solve problems.0 W* n: R* P" b
9 }) s2 V2 Q) o$ ~" E  1.about--with8 D7 j$ T% ~5 z, r- A- ]7 A
  concerned 作为形容词既可以和about搭配,也可以和with搭配,意思有所不同,前者是“为……担心”,后者是“与……有关”。文中应取后者之意。: K, `: h& \( D% J  {0 U6 s8 T4 y
  2.putting--put  m8 c$ }' h/ F8 v
  put可以有“表达”的意思,broadly put是“从广义上说”,simply put 意思是“简单地说”,这次词组中的put实际上是动词put的过去分词。同样的意思也可以用不定式词组表示,如:to put it simply, to put it bluntly。- V# w) s/ ]0 i
- P( D0 s/ Y( g' V1 _  如果关系分句是由“介词+关系代词”引导的,那么这个代词只能是which 或whom。4 ^7 w% o+ s7 E) X4 E' U
  4.how--how不用于引导关系分句。先行词the way后面的关系分句可以用in which引导,也可以省略。但是,how可以引导名词性分句,相当于the way in which。5 q" Z- f; a; }( w
  5.open--opening1 L* x! f2 Q  ]7 z4 C# E
  be key to 词组中to是介词,而不是不定时标记,所以其后应当跟-ing分词,而不是动词不定式。& Y+ t1 |3 t; {: a+ [4 E( c( s
  6.beware--aware1 p) a7 g; [& p7 j2 e( G3 z
  beware 是动词,所以不能说become beware of。
7 @( K/ z" K  B" V  7.the--the others指除了已经提及的以外余下的,而others仅指“一些”。$ G( K4 l) x' R" I( m/ T9 @5 b
  8.“find+somebody/something+in a particular situation”表示“发现某人/某物处于某种状态”,宾语somebody/something之后可以是形容词、分词、介词词组等。% x' n* l3 p3 l5 k# a
' D2 r, Y' q& h  work和不同的介词搭配表示不同的含义。“in work”表示“有工作”,“at work”的意思是“在起作用”。
+ u/ ?% v" U! u' w8 u/ P9 M  10.establish--establishing
7 q. W# H. h# _: ?# ?  在这句话里understaning和establishing实际上是两个并列的分词,都是介词towards的宾语。

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