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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(六十)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Three passions have governed my life: the longing
2 p/ z7 a" O6 b6 h  for love, the search into knowledge, and the unbearable __1__: E# ^' I; g5 U7 b! R
  pity for the suffering of mankind.
6 F3 F' z# j3 s0 ]# h; U# d3 U  I have sought of love, first, because it brings8 B( ^% w! g1 \8 Q% y
  ecstasy--ecstasy so great because I would often have __2__' l2 j  l- U" ?7 a" c( V5 t1 |
  sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours for this
. p: s5 B% ?4 F8 i  joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness--
  c2 J( i- R# j+ `: A. L0 k. @  that terrible loneliness which one shivering consciousness __3__/ n6 v) I( l& }
  looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable
- N5 U8 b* }4 k  lifeless abyss. I have sought it, then, because in the __4__0 k4 \3 j$ o- U) F+ h$ r( _6 ^5 g
  union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the  b/ i7 X! v1 G5 h
  prefiguring vision of the heaven where saints and poets __5__; X/ U8 b8 ?. u
  have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might
- S; W8 P) A: ?( `# R; ]  seem too good for human life, this is what--at last--i have
. p2 |6 E$ R6 X( Q; O  found.) f. j5 B: T0 @# Q; y! ?4 f
  With equal passionate I have sought knowledge. I have wished __6__
, t5 d/ s1 a/ [. C+ g! S1 e  to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why5 P2 H' l& D* A+ ]& F1 C% m
  the stars shine...A little this, but not much, I have achieved. __7__% u  D: [; P4 f0 v) k$ r
  Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible,$ a4 e3 e% A; p+ i
  led upward toward the heavens. But it always pity brought __8__2 D2 w1 n: G( Z) m
  me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in
3 K: u6 F1 J4 s' A0 |  my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors,
% i9 R( R8 A' @( {2 g/ V5 T  helpless old people--a hated burden to their sons, and the whole
. ~6 \( a. G/ S( }- z  world of loneliness, poverty and pain make a mock of what __9__4 \& y4 q" Y* O) H0 N
  human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot,
) A. n, a* }  Q: T/ \" N" P  and I too suffer. This has been my life. I have found it& J9 Q$ X) j1 b
  worth of living, and would gladly live it again if the chance __10__
* l* x* H7 V. x! H& A. `  were offered me.
- x# P, r3 S# V& y  答案及解析:, m1 f; q( z+ `8 c0 l& K
0 b9 U) X; l7 p/ G  N1 t  search into意思是“调查”,这里要表示“寻找”,应该用词组search for。
. O- Q3 \$ O/ P! F, F  2.because-that
: c$ Q, @  }; A  原句意思是:我追寻过爱,首先是因为他带来狂喜——莫大的狂喜,我常会为了几个小时的这种喜悦吧我的余生都牺牲掉。“so...that”句型表示因果关系。
! D* o2 o% @% _3 z# t# \+ V5 G8 p  3.^which-in
( m& p) N- H/ X1 T  这句的意思是:我追寻过爱,再者是因为它能排遣寂寞——陷入那种可怕的寂寞,一颗颤抖的心灵在世界的边缘之上俯瞰冰冷,深不见底、毫无生息的深渊。which做关系代词引导从句修饰loneliness,同时定语从句本身主谓语结构完整,因此应在which前面加上in,表示“在这种寂寞中”,做状语。0 i: v- S" Y1 O2 [, g7 ?" C1 ]  r0 C
  4.then-finally/lastly1 y2 D4 A$ L: W8 n2 j
8 \' h2 N4 X" @/ W  5.where-that/which
% L& w7 u' i- E6 }4 d  此处heaven是先行词,后边的定语从句只缺少宾语,不能用关系副词where,应该用关系代词that或者which。
' `/ X$ G. _2 H3 X: M) ?: D( H  6.passionate-passion  V4 C5 x: a3 V. ~2 t
- M$ q4 l8 @  B; w# C: B  7.^this-of  c% k3 N: s& B2 K6 U# w7 F
  此处a little是名词词组,后面不能直接跟代词,所以加上of。
- W- `5 R9 H, S: @* m( V; M' @6 I: u  8.(But)it--\
- s9 y6 U' u( ~  此句意思是:爱和知识,在可能的情况下,引人向上通往天堂。然而,怜悯却总是把我带回尘世,可见But一句的主语是pity,因此it是多余的,应删除。
! _. z) l( A% `" n& E  ~+ P  9.mock-mockery
. ^' b+ s, l. F7 C  此处是固定词组: make a mockery of 的使用,意为嘲笑。
$ U0 x# Q( Z. N2 p3 }  10.(worth)of--\
4 P" ^/ j7 v8 v9 F# }0 X$ G' P  M  加动名词表示值得做某事,因此应去掉of。

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