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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(五十八)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Yesterday afternoon John and I were walking along a road$ g% Q5 N: v/ ~/ a6 Y4 l- ?  g+ L
  where we heard someone shout "Help! Help!" He was in __1__( n: M. h4 G5 l& Q# U& }! ~( d4 g
  a lake, about a hundred feet from the shore. There was a __2__
/ x8 o1 T; E1 }( \3 h  small boat nearby. We knew immediately what happened. __3__
) `: G8 q% {% G* Y  He had fallen out of the boat and could not swim good enough __4__' n. Q" ]7 z- M" K: U
  to reach it or to get to the shore. As we ran towards the lake I
. f5 K% t! J: B- z9 u, Z6 c& d* V  saw him sunk, and I was certain that he would drown. But in __5__
$ I8 z2 v. O  l  e$ I  a moment his head appeared again. Quickly John took out his __6__
( I) H2 a9 Z; s. D" p! w4 Q+ l  shoes, jumped into the water and started swimming toward
0 ~" F1 r1 D& p' C' O  the drowned man. He reached him just as the man went down __7__0 I  C% M  y, f) r, R4 P8 r( S. T
  again. He was close enough as to stretch out his hand and try __8__# |. s' |) ~4 C# J
  to take hold of the man's clothes or his hair before he sank.
, |. T9 B0 j' g$ j; \8 z  But the man threw out his arms in fear, caught John across the __9__' b% _' C6 t4 A* A! _
  neck, and began to draw him down under the water. John
! ^* `$ w; W' _9 l3 y* x  fought to keep his head above the water and at the same time
. u! s' t: {0 j2 I  tried to swim toward the boat, pulled the man with him. __10__# k+ u6 N$ M% A
  答案及解析:3 A, Y7 p2 Q7 W# K* N4 \$ A
  1. where—when! t! Z# [) b( G3 E3 X
  2. a lake—the lake) {- s9 j& c9 b( N# K8 W0 C3 a; e0 h
  据上下文判断,这是指离海边唯一的湖泊,因此用定冠词; e/ p- N$ S$ d( A  k: h, o, C
/ P+ [% y9 M/ l5 x* t  4. good—well+ E% ]  W8 y0 a' p5 E
: }* a6 R. T) r, \% K  5.sunk—sinking- c: {" B2 a0 _# ^5 E3 q( w
  现在分词表示正在进行的动作5 o9 H; J: r3 \  }' g+ n
  6. out—off2 i& ~, C$ i( [- K; P' H  ?
  7. drowned—drowning
$ K' A. j% e* O7 `/ }% u  drowned意味着此人已经被淹死了,drowning表示正在进行,快要淹死了
6 J4 Q7 d/ i0 ~/ ]& J6 [  8. 去掉as6 X8 Y2 U4 S4 t: _! S# h
  直接由to stretch作状语
6 j8 Y0 `( ~- x/ W  9. across—around% F+ j, @# z# A- h' p6 [
  across意味“穿过”,即“穿过他的脖子”,意义不通顺。改为around即为“抱着他的脖子”,合乎逻辑和本文意义; f: i3 @5 o( G% y% M
  10. pulled—pulling

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